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Editors Blog: My Custom Paint Job

OK it may not be for everybody, but I LOVE IT! I finally have the bike paint job I want. JoAnn Bortles of CrazyHorsePainting exceeded my expections and then some. The flat, matte, rough finish paint job is exactly what I envisioned when I bought my new 2008 Harley-Davidson Street Glide in January and sent off the black painted parts to her to do her magic.

Editors Blog: My Custom Paint Job

Womens Day Celebration

House of Harley-Davidson in Milaukee, Wisconsin, will host Womens Day on Friday August 29 as part of Reunion Bash 2008. The celebration, in honor of Harleys 105th Anniversary, will encompass more than three city blocks in front of the House of Harley dealership. All event activities are free to the public and open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Womens Day Celebration

REVIEW: The All-Weather Switchback Jacket

Will it be hot? Will it be cold? Chance of showers? Dont worry, the Harley-Davidson Switchback Jacket literally has you covered, while saving valuable saddlebag space. The Switchback Jacket brings out the quick-change artist in a rider, letting a rider respond to unpredictable weather within minutes.

REVIEW: The All-Weather Switchback Jacket

Travel Books and More

Two places I love riding are the southwest and the Alps. OK, Ive never been to the Alps, but I hope to soon because I know Ill love it. Who wouldnt? The Alps are home to the some of the worlds most spectacular motorcycle riding roads. If youre a travel-minded rider, the Alps are probably on your “bucket list.” Here are two must-have travel books and a book of true road tales to take you on your journey.

Travel Books and More

Looks Arent Everything

So you fell in love with the appearance of your motorcycle, but do you also have an appreciation for how it works? Have you ever struggled to communicate with your mechanic? Theres even more to the beauty of your bike when you understand the parts and their functions.

Looks Arent Everything

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