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Newsletter Archives

Genevieves Everyday Miracles: Regaining Balance When You Feel Off Center

Ive had a busy four weeks of traveling with two work-related trips and am just now slipping back to that warm mindfulness that allows me to pen my Everyday Miracles. I recently was drawn back into old behavior patterns that rendered me off balance for a time. I humbly share with you what happened in hopes youll harvest a nugget or two.

Genevieves Everyday Miracles: Regaining Balance When You Feel Off Center

Genevieves Everyday Miracles: How Does Your Light Shine?

When I first met Danielle I was taken by the peace and calmness she exuded. She illuminated with joy. My friendship with her blossomed and over time I learned what made her shine. I decided to live my life such that I too could harness this energy and live in that joyful, peaceful state. Little did I know what living in the light actually required of me.

Genevieves Everyday Miracles: How Does Your Light Shine?

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