

I finally got my opportunity to ride this infamous three-wheeler that has onlookers everywhere doing a doubletake. Women Riders Now reviewed BRPs Can-Am Spyder roadster in 2007 when the unusual three-wheeler first hit the market. WRN contributor Perri Capell test rode the Spyder then. Now two model years later with improved handling and more options, Im getting my chance to feel firsthand what all the fuss is about.


PRODUCT REVIEW: Olympia Moto Sports Airglide Pants and Jacket

I am riding along the spine of the Middle Atlas mountains when the electrical storm hits. Hail pelts my helmet and bolts of lightening streak horizontally across the snow-dusted road ahead of me. There’s no shelter where I can pull over to bundle up under my gear, but thankfully I’d zipped the waterproof liner in before I’d headed uphill.

PRODUCT REVIEW: Olympia Moto Sports Airglide Pants and Jacket

New Spring 2010 Riding Apparel

Just like in the high fashion world, you can always expect new seasonal riding apparel from Harley-Davidson and this spring is no different with fun and colorful new styles for women riders. Two new jackets let you know spring and summer have arrived. Check them out along with some new sunglasses from The Motor Company

New Spring 2010 Riding Apparel

Wide Touring Saddle for Larger, Taller Riders

Mustang Seats just came out with a new one-piece Super Touring design to provide rider and passenger with a more comfortable and ergonomically friendly riding position on 2008-10 Harley-Davidson FL models. The seat moves the rider back from stock 1.75 inches, and lowers her so she has a better chance of reaching her feet firmly on the ground. The deeply pocketed saddle measures a wide 19 inches.

Wide Touring Saddle for Larger, Taller Riders

Generously Sized Riding Jackets

In response to her customers telling her that her motorcycle riding jackets need more room in the bust Shelly Reiner, owner Girl Gear Apparel, redesigned her line of textile jackets to accommodate this need. Shelly says, “I am excited about the sizing because it is better suited to fit the chest and front of women. Some of my friends who only fit in mens jackets are able to fit into these sizes.”

Generously Sized Riding Jackets

Touring Southeastern Arizona

As we are finishing a preview of a typical Frank Lloyd Wright museum tour, our gracious guide, Kimberly Higgenbotham, tells us that when asked which of his projects was his favorite, Wright would invariably reply “the next one.” It occurs to me that this might be my own response to the question of which is my favorite road trip, but then it is becoming clear that my answer is invariably “this one.”

Touring Southeastern Arizona

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