Your Stories

We would love to share your motorcycling story. Find out how to submit here

Reader Story: Learning to Ride, One Motorcycle at a Time

It all began 4 years ago. With the children grown and out of the house, my husband, Neil, said, “Its time to start riding again.” I said, “Have fun”! I had never ridden on a motorcycle, except for once when I was 18, and that ride was enough for me. I also once rode on the back of Neil’s motorcycle and didn’t think it was that much fun. But, for my 50th birthday, Neil somehow managed to have me take motorcycle lessons.

Reader Story: Learning to Ride, One Motorcycle at a Time

Reader Story: How One Woman Inspired Another to Ride

Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing bad about riding pillion on the back of a motorcycle. For many years, I used to sit behind my husband, Jonny, on his Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce, spacing out and staring at the scenery. But now that I’ve taken the leap to the rider’s seat, I’m encouraging more women to move from the back seat to actively riding their own bikes.

Reader Story: How One Woman Inspired Another to Ride

Reader Story: A Spectacular Day Ride on Vancouver Island

I am embarking on my 50th year of adventure on the face of this planet. As part of that adventure, I took up riding in 2004 following a lifelong love of bikes. My passion for motorcycles was a gift from my older brothers. When I was younger, they’d put me on the tanks of their bikes and ride around the block in my hometown of Winnipeg.

Reader Story: A Spectacular Day Ride on Vancouver Island

Club Profile: Guilty Girlz Riding Club Invades Michigan

In October 2011 Kathleen Sloan—aka HBC (“Hot Biker Chick”)—participated in a Michigan bike run benefitting a local fund for firefighters. She soon found herself smack dab in the middle of a pack of 400 bikers flanked by a fire truck. On the sides of the road, crowds of people waved flags, cheered, and gave the riders the thumbs up. The sights and sounds brought her to tears.

Club Profile: Guilty Girlz Riding Club Invades Michigan

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