Apparel & Product Reviews

REVIEW: The All-Weather Switchback Jacket

Will it be hot? Will it be cold? Chance of showers? Dont worry, the Harley-Davidson Switchback Jacket literally has you covered, while saving valuable saddlebag space. The Switchback Jacket brings out the quick-change artist in a rider, letting a rider respond to unpredictable weather within minutes.

REVIEW: The All-Weather Switchback Jacket

Travel Books and More

Two places I love riding are the southwest and the Alps. OK, Ive never been to the Alps, but I hope to soon because I know Ill love it. Who wouldnt? The Alps are home to the some of the worlds most spectacular motorcycle riding roads. If youre a travel-minded rider, the Alps are probably on your “bucket list.” Here are two must-have travel books and a book of true road tales to take you on your journey.

Travel Books and More

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