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Reader Story: Making the Most of Today

In the spring of 2004 I experienced the scare of a possible MS diagnosis. That was it. It was time make the most of now. I had sportbikes in the past but had given them up because I was told supporting a riding habit as a single mom was not the best use of my time or money. My son always will come first, but I had to ask myself, “If tomorrow is my last day, am I doing what I want to be doing today?”

Reader Story: Making the Most of Today

Darn Those Storms in Texas

To those of you who tried to get on today, you probably figured out that you couldnt. Well I couldnt either. There was a storm in the Dallas area that caused a major power outtage that made my Web site go down. “How could that be,” you ask, “when youre in Montana.” Yea, I wondered, too.

Darn Those Storms in Texas

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