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MOTORCYCLE REVIEW: Harley-Davidsons Exciting Dyna Models

Harley-Davidsons Dyna models are some of the smoothest and most comfortable motorcycles in the Motor Companys lineup. Why? The engine is rubber mounted to the frame. This drastically reduces vibration. The Dynas are also extremely ergonomically friendly for the average female rider.

MOTORCYCLE REVIEW: Harley-Davidsons Exciting Dyna Models

Have a Need for Speed?

For the last two years, BUB Racing has been putting on AMA/FIM sanctioned land speed races at the famed Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Now, in an effort to encourage more women to participate in the September 3-7, 2006 International Motorcycle Speed Trials, BUB Racing is offering special prize money to a female competitor.

Have a Need for Speed?

Backroads With Betsy: Sturgis or Bust

“Sturgis or bust”thats been my August motto for a lot of years. I do this trip every summer regardless of how busy or broke I may be. But then, I am a family-oriented Minnesota girl living as an adult orphan in L.A. I have to visit my family at least once a year in Minnesota, so I am not sure if family is why I go to Sturgis every year, or if Sturgis is why I visit my family every year.

Backroads With Betsy: Sturgis or Bust

BOOK REVIEW: Danica Patrick: Americas Hottest Racer

At the 2005 Indianapolis 500, this rookie driver not only became the first woman to lead a lap at the Brickyard, she was in contention to win in the last few laps of the race. With auto racing being just as male dominated as motorcycle racing, I figured motorcyclists would have a lot of interest in who Danica is and where she came from.

BOOK REVIEW: Danica Patrick: Americas Hottest Racer

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