Sam “Morgan” Storm, Marjorie Hummel, and Elizabeth “Boots” Buchholz are latest female riders inducted in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum amp; Hall of Fame during the Sturgis Rally in early August.

In 1939 at age 25, Marjorie Hummel was the first woman long distance rider to attend the Black Hills Motor Classic, the predecessor to todays Sturgis Rally. She was also the first female to compete in an official rally event entering an endurance race in 1941 competing against seven male riders. The race covered about 30 miles of trails that included a creek crossing and other forest hazards around Sturgis. Marge came in next to last place but is proud of her effort. She is recognized for her spirit of adventure and as a female motorcycle touring pioneer.

Sam “Morgan” Storm is one of the few women to ride a motorcycle in a motor drome also known as the “Wall of Death” because of its 90-degree angled walls. Sam was inducted into the Hall of Fame with the late Paul “Sonny” Pelaquin, the man who took Sam under his wing when she ran away from home at age 14 and taught her how to ride the drome. Sam grew to adulthood around the drome traveling the world doing four shows over 16-hour days.

Sam shares her unique gift and love of motorcycling and the drome wherever she goes. She is respected by her peers and considered one of the top extreme sport performers in the motordrome business today. To read more about Sam and the dromes, visit motordrome.org.

Elizabeth “Boots” Buchholz was inducted the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum, which recognizes those individuals who work on behalf of motorcyclists rights. Boots has been a member of ABATE of Florida holding various managerial levels throughout her years as a motorcyclist. She has affected change not only in Florida but for riders nationally.
Other inductees into the 2006 Hall of Fame are: Jay Springsteen, John Parham, John Reed, “Deacon” Dave Phillips, and Rich “Neb” Nebelsick.
For more information on the Hall of Fame, visit sturgismuseum.com.
Just got news that Marge Hummel past away last night. The picture of the two pioneers above make me proud.