The Honda Riders Club of America (HRCA) is offering its more than 600,000-member organization a new exclusive benefit: prepaid medical air transport services. HCRA has partnered with MASA, Medical Air Services Association, to provide HRCA members this life-saving benefit that will also save them money.

“As the worlds leading motorcycle manufacturers owners club, we are very pleased to introduce HRCA members to MASA and the prepaid medical air transport services they offer,” said Bill Savino, HRCA Manager. “MASA has agreed to waive the initiation fee for HRCA members and we encourage our riders to take advantage of MASAs valuable benefits.”
MASA membership can save tens of thousands of dollars if a rider goes down or becomes ill and requires emergency air medical transportation. In addition, MASA will arrange for transportation to the nearest medical facility equipped to handle their condition. MASA benefits* include: 1. Emergency air transportation, 2. Commercial air transportation, 3. Ground ambulance, 4. Repatriation/recuperation, 5. Return transportation, 6. Non-injury transport, 7. Escort transportation, 8. Minor children/grandchildren return, 9. Vehicle return including motorcycle, 10. Mortal remains transport, 11. Organ retrieval, 12. Organ recipient transport
“You dont have to be traveling by motorcycle to receive the benefits of MASA membership,” said Knapp. “If one of our members is hospitalized at home and needs specialized medical treatment that is not locally available, MASA will transport them by air ambulance to the hospital that can best attend to their needs.”
Under the agreement, MASA will waive the one-time initiation fee, a $60 value for HRCA Members. The annual fee for an Individual Membership is $240 and $360 for a Family Membership. MASA members receive all 12 MASA benefits in the companys coverage area: the U.S., Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Turks and Caicos. Optional worldwide trip coverage is available at a discounted price for MASA members. Emergency toll-free telephone numbers are imprinted on the back of a wallet-sized membership card for easy reference.
To take advantage of this special offer, HRCA members must have a current, valid HRCA membership number. A call to MASA at 866.781.8162, or visit to is all it takes to get the process going.
*Does not include closed course competitions