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Reader Story: Let Freedom Ring!

I took the weekend MSF course shortly after September 11, 2001. It was a challenging year for me. I made it through a serious illness and like every other American, my life was changed by the events of that fateful Tuesday morning. I also turned 40, but that didnt bother me all that much as I was grateful for regaining my health. These things made me realize that life is a precious gift and we need to enjoy our days here on earth to the fullest.

Reader Story: Let Freedom Ring!

Reader Story: There Is Hope

My husband Jack and I took our first cross country trip last year. I still cant believe Im riding again. I will soon be 53 years old, and have gone through some medical problems over the past seven years, so when I look back at it all, I am amazed at the accomplishment.

Reader Story: There Is Hope

Backroads With Betsy: SS Cycle and the Continual Search for Warriorship

Warriorship is a continual journey. To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life. As I near midlife, I feel like I have spent the first half of my existence trying to be a warrior on the exterior. It is my intention to spend the second half of my existence working to become a warrior where it matters most—on the interior.

Backroads With Betsy: SS Cycle and the Continual Search for Warriorship

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