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READER MOTORCYCLE REVIEW: 2008 Harley-Davidson Street Glide

My name is Stephanie Bertsos (AKA Baby Biker). I just turned 20, and I live in sunny, ride-all-year-round Hudson, Florida. I work in the offices of Ride Like A Pro, which created the Ride Like a Pro Instructional DVDs. After working here for a few months, I decided I wanted to ride a motorcycle for myself.

READER MOTORCYCLE REVIEW: 2008 Harley-Davidson Street Glide

Reader Story: The Passion That Fuels the Desire to Ride

My husband has always had motorcycles, from dirt bikes as a child to owning a few when we were first married. With the thoughts of our little girls at home, I never liked being a passenger. But the little girls grew up and left the nest, leaving us with time to figure out what hobbies wed enjoy together. Being big eBay buffs, we just happened to find motorcycles for sale.

Reader Story: The Passion That Fuels the Desire to Ride

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