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WRN Connects You With Other Riders

Whether youre a frequent visitor to, or are just checking us out for the first time, you owe it to yourself to visit the link called Connect With Others. If youve not visited it lately, we just posted a whole bunch of new letters from riders all over the U.S. and Canada who are either looking for a riding buddy or seeking some riding advice.

WRN Connects You With Other Riders

Reader Story: Finding My Calling in Motorcycling

It probably started when as a young girl; I clipped a baseball card with a clothespin to my bicycle spokes so it would make that “motorcycle noise.” At 12 years old I got a minibike that made me the envy of the neighborhood boys. At 16 I went to the DMV and got my motorcycle learners permit. With no money for a motorcycle, the dream went on the back burner until I was 34 years old.

Reader Story: Finding My Calling in Motorcycling

The Latest in Womens Motorcycling Apparel

If youre a frequent visitor to WRN, you know I recently returned from two big industry trade shows, the V-Twin Expo, and Dealer Expo, where manufacturers display their latest products for the dealers who look for new items for their stores. Many of the motorcycling apparel manufacturers were at both shows displaying their new womens styles for 2009.

The Latest in Womens Motorcycling Apparel

Setting Up Your Motorcycle Garage

Working on your own motorcycle can be rewarding. I was 18 years old the first time I performed an oil and filter change on my motorcycle, and the knowledge I gained from doing it was gratifying and confidence inspiring. Since then Ive done a lot of mechanical repairs and maintenance on motorcycles, but always with the thought in the back of my head that working on a motorcycle is serious business

Setting Up Your Motorcycle Garage

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