International Female Ride Day is May 1 and organizers are seeing a groundswell of participation with more women riders and more countries participating than expected. Women motorcycle clubs from all over the United States and Canada are getting together to ride and show their support for women motorcyclists. The “female ride day” fever is spreading all over the world as women riders events are now planned in Israel, Australia, France, Poland, and Italy.
A recently formed womens rider club in Israel will be riding through the streets of Tel Aviv on May 1. After their ride, the club plans to put on a big market show where manufacturers will be featuring gear and products for women. It is the first time in history that a womens motorcyclist club exists in Israel.
The increase in interest has caused the founding group, MOTORESS, to make some changes. Each year, participants were invited to send in their pictures but due to the increased numbers in 2008, MOTORESS could not post them all. This year, MOTORESS.com has the ability to include everyone by allowing each participant to directly upload their own ride day photos. For more information visit: MOTORESS.com/FemaleRideDay.
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