Backroads With Betsy

Betsy is taking a sabbatical from writing. Please read her many stories from an exciting and adventurous motorcycle life.

Backroads With Betsy: The Impermanence of Things

Wow. The holidays come, and the holidays go. The Lord gives, and he takes away. Its a seemingly chaotic blur going on around us through the holidays. Busy people with too much to do, with too little time and too little resources are all angrily fighting for parking spaces. The days are cold and short on sunshine. Cold and flu season sets in while everyone eats, drinks, parties and shops their way through the madness.

Backroads With Betsy: The Impermanence of Things

Backroads With Betsy: Pot of Gold

With the countrys economy and political status full of uncertainty, a majority of the population is cutting back. They are cutting back on all spending, but in particular, on anything that involves gasoline. This doesnt work for me, as many of my favorite toys are powered by gasoline. It is most certainly logical to cut back on things that seem to be a luxury, but I have always considered travel to be more of a necessity than a luxury.

Backroads With Betsy: Pot of Gold

Backroads With Betsy: SS Cycle and the Continual Search for Warriorship

Warriorship is a continual journey. To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life. As I near midlife, I feel like I have spent the first half of my existence trying to be a warrior on the exterior. It is my intention to spend the second half of my existence working to become a warrior where it matters most—on the interior.

Backroads With Betsy: SS Cycle and the Continual Search for Warriorship

Backroads With Betsy: Backroads With Best Friends

Last year I dedicated a column to my relationships with the best friends with whom I have been fortunate enough to share the best years of my life. I was on the plane en route to Katmandu to attempt to climb Mount Everest and was feeling particularly grateful for the people who have been with me through thick and thin and the challenges that life inevitably presents us with.

Backroads With Betsy: Backroads With Best Friends

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