Backroads With Betsy

Betsy is taking a sabbatical from writing. Please read her many stories from an exciting and adventurous motorcycle life.

Backroads With Betsy: Motivation from the Garage

When my best buddy, Genevieve Schmitt, told me she was coming to L.A. to conduct a women-only “Garage Party,” I was curious. If you took the boys away from Sturgis or any other motorcycle event, Im not sure it would hold the same allure. Motorcycles and boys sort of go together nicely. I have to admit, a motorcycle event without them almost seemed like an oxymoron to me.

Backroads With Betsy: Motivation from the Garage

Backroads With Betsy: Zen and My Lack of Motorcycle Maintenance

Like it or not, a big part of owning any vehicle is taking care of it. How you decide to do that and the level at which you decide to participate can depend on your financial situation and your level of time and interest. Because Ive been in the motorcycle world for more than 20 years, appearing in TV documentaries about motorcycling and writing for motorcycle publications, people often assume that I must wrench on my own bike.

Backroads With Betsy: Zen and My Lack of Motorcycle Maintenance

Backroads With Betsy: Just Do It

Even though I write a column about motorcycles and women, the most common question I am asked by people is how to lose weight and what the fastest and easiest way to achieve that goal is. I have been a personal fitness trainer for 20 years. I worked as a member of ski patrol for 10 years, and I studied Kung Fu San Su for nearly 10 years, achieving black belt status. There has never been a time in my life when being healthy wasnt at the top of my list.

Backroads With Betsy: Just Do It

Backroads With Betsy: Best Friends

Interviewing fellow biker and climber Tim Medvetz in late January was enough to inspire me to want to be a part of this years expedition team to attempt the Mount Everest summit. I then had just two months to raise the money and prepare myself for the biggest adventure of my life. In a frenzied mode as I glanced at my rusted old chopper in the garage each day, I kept thinking I needed to get the girls together for one last ride before I left.

Backroads With Betsy: Best Friends

WRNs Betsy Huelskamp on Her Way to Mt. Everest

Betsy Huelskamp, a columnist with, is on her way to attempting to summit Mt. Everest as part of an expedition team to be filmed by Discovery Channel. Last we reported, Betsy was seeking donations in an effort to raise the funds to pay for her part in an expedition that is being shot for Discovery Channels second installment of “Everest: Beyond the Limit.”

WRNs Betsy Huelskamp on Her Way to Mt. Everest

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