Everyday Miracles is a very personal column for readers who want to explore the deeper meaning of life. “Miracles happen everyday. Change your perception of what a miracle is, and you’ll see them all around you.”
I was surprised to find out that this profound quote was said by the hard-rock singer / musician Jon Bon Jovi. I guess I never expected such a thought provoking statement to come from a 1980s heartthrob rocker. But, it is a fitting quote for what I’m starting to write here.
I turn 50 this year. It’s not that I dread the big 5-0, it’s just for the last two years leading up to this milestone age, I’ve been going through a spiritual transformation. In the old days, it was called a mid-life crisis, but in this age of “spiritual enlightenment” that our world is experiencing, spiritual transformation is more descriptive of my mid-40s life journey.
“Anyone—woman, man, young or old, motorcyclist and non-motorcyclists—is invited to read this personal column of mine.”
Moving to Montana 10 years ago, where Gods beauty is all around me, has helped calm my restless soul and enable me to focus on what matters most.
A lot of what I’ve been thrust into, mentally and emotionally, was brought on by the physical challenges of menopause. “The change” hit me earlier than the average age of 52, officially entering the next phase of a woman’s bodily changes at age 48. No more periods. At 48! Fine by me! One in three women sail through menopause without any of the symptoms normally associated with it. I was not that one of the three. In fact, I experienced nearly every symptom noted in the lists we read about menopause in books and online. Not one slipped by me. I got hit full bore! That’s fine. I’m a tough girl. I can weather this storm. And I have. And I still am. I am actually on the downside of it, having hit the peak about one year ago. Thank God.
Yes, thank the good Lord! If it wasn’t for the life-altering decision to look up instead of down I may have never gotten through it sanely. In fact, back in those old days again, women like me, women in my previous state-of-mind, were relegated to the “funny farm.” Remember that? It was a nice way of saying mental institution. I remember distinctly in my mid teen years whispering among my siblings that something had snapped in Grandma. She was no longer the sweet and generous grandmother we grew up with; she had turned nasty, snarly and short tempered. “What happened,” we all asked ourselves?
Come to find out, it was menopause. Back then the women of my grandmother’s generation didn’t call it menopause. They called it “the change,” and it was always mentioned in a whisper because it wasn’t a good thing. I shudder to think of all the women who ended up in the funny farm because their hormones wreaked havoc on them and they had to endure it all alone in a state of confusion while the world whispered how crazy they were. I thank God that I live in an age where we don’t hide these types of things anymore, that nearly everything we experience as people is out in the open.
“My heart and soul yearns for more. I know yours must as well.”
I’ve been a journalist for nearly 30 years, and having been trained in professional broadcast and print journalism in college, I was taught to keep one’s self out of the story. I’m merely the messenger, the reporter. I’ve loved this observational role. I love that I found my calling early, at age 16, when I so inclined to apply for a reporter position at the local CBS radio station in Kingston, New York, where I grew up, and get it.
When I transitioned to writing about motorcycling full-time, in the late 1990s, I continued with the rule of keeping one’s self out of the story for the most part, a challenging thing to do in the ego-fueled world of motorcycling. As the Internet age dawned, more and more people called themselves writers while thrusting themselves into the ego-satisfying limelight it offered.
I did write a column for seven years in the leading V-twin motorcycle magazine,American Iron, written in the first person, but mostly it was my observations and insights about motorcycling, rather than writings about my personal life, thoughts and feelings. With WomenRidersNow.com (WRN), this online magazine I started nine years ago, I’ve managed to keep myself “out of the story” for the most part. I never wanted to be the story. I may have included myself in the story but the story wasn’t about me.
I share all of this with you because for the first time—yes!—the very first time in all these years, I am actually going to write about myself because I believe I finally have something of value to share. As I approach my 50th year on the planet on the first day of spring this year I believe it may be time for me to open my heart to you and invite you in to explore life’s big questions and the lessons we learn along the way.
My eyes have been opened to an alternative way of living, one that takes the focus off self, inward thinking and ego-fueled desires to one aimed at passing on God’s love and light to the world. While I know I’ve helped a lot of people discover their love of motorcycling through WomenRidersNow.com, this child-less woman wants her legacy to be much more than that.
Motorcycling is a powerful activity in many women’s lives; in fact many start riding at the half-century age of 50 as a symbol of their breaking free—breaking free from the confines of a mundane day-to-day existence. Breaking free from restrictive societal roles. Even breaking free from parental influences that may have carried over into adulthood. Motorcycling makes a statement; it’s a huge expression of freedom. What better way is there to throw off life’s straightjacket than to don a leather jacket and hop in the saddle of one’s own motorcycle?
I already ride a motorcycle and have for nearly 25 years. Which begs the question: What am I going to do for my 50th birthday? Well, first of all, I’m celebrating my 50th for a whole year, not just a day, and I will share with you, in a later post, what bucket list item I’m going to check off my list on March 20. In the meantime, I believe I’m being called by God to share thoughts and observations I receive from studying His word, including unpacking the complicated things in life while learning to see and relish in everyday miracles—hence the name of this renamed section on WRN.
“…we’ll let God have his own motorcycle…we’ll just follow on ours”
Today, I’ve renamed the Editor’s Section on WRN to Everyday Miracles in order to encompass all that I plan to share with you. I want this new column to enlighten you to the deeper meaning in it all—in motorcycling and in life—because there’s so much more to two wheels and an engine here, if you haven’t noticed. My future posts will be shorter than this, quick reads, and are intended for anyone—men, women, young or old, motorcyclist and non-motorcyclists.”
My heart and soul yearns for more. I know yours must as well. I’m not sure how often I’ll write; I’d love to write daily because each morning when I read my bible devotions I receive a nugget. Up until this point, I’ve felt the Lord telling me not to share—to just wait. You see, being a journalist my nature is to want to write… and share when I have a insightful thought. But for two years, I’ve been studying, learning and discovering deeper meanings to a lot of things. Instead of doing what I want to do, I’ve waited on God to direct my course. It’s been a very freeing process.
Learning to surrender will be a big theme. There’s freedom—yes, true freedom—in handing over the reigns of one’s life to the one who created us. Or to put it in motorcycling terms, there’s freedom in letting God sit in the front seat of the bike, letting Him lead the way.
Gosh, did I just say that? Did the editor of a motorcycle magazine that’s encouraged women all these years to move from the back seat to the front seat just say that? Yes, but we’re talking metaphorically here. OK, we’ll let God have his own motorcycle. We’ll just follow on ours. How ‘bout that?
It is not easy to surrender control (especially when many of us have fought to gain proverbial control all these years) and society has led us to believe that in doing so we’re losing our life, giving up control and leaning on a crutch. This is one of the biggest misconceptions today. Take it from me, one who has tried to have it both ways: scooting God out of the front to the passenger seat or trying to share the front seat side-by-side with Him.
As one draws closer to God through prayer and faith, He begins to peel back the veil on certain things in your life. It’s fascinating to step back and realize all that I’ve discovered through my spiritual journey thus far. I’ve just scratched the surface. While I’ve been on a spiritual quest my whole life, it’s been sped up the last two years, brought on by the physical, mental and emotional changes I mentioned earlier.
The new title of my column was given to me from God so I know now is the time to start writing. If we step back, truly step back from the chaos, we start to see miracles in everyday life. Being able to love is a miracle. Francois Mauriac said “To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.”
Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I’ll choose the latter, thank you. I’m tired of living otherwise. I hope you’ll join me as we discover everyday miracles together.
If you’re excited about what I’m doing here, join me in the conversation by signing up below to receive a discreet personal email from me each time I post a new column here. This is a separate email list from the WRN Newsletter list that promotes new stories on this site.
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Thank you for joining me on this journey. God bless.
Want to know when I post a new Everyday Miracles story? Send an email to gschmitt@womenridersnow.com letting me know you want to be added to my Everyday Miracles mailing list.
About the Author Genevieve Schmitt is the founder of WomenRidersNow.com. She was raised in a strict Catholic household, but in college the journalist in her starting asking questions of organized religion. By age 30 she developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and since then works daily to surrender her stubborn will and vain ego to allow the Holy Spirit to guide her life. She now considers herself a non-denominational Christian. In the summer of 2014, with guidance from God, she started expressing her faith journey in this column, Everyday Miracles. Feedback from WRN readers has been overwhelming positive proving that people crave so much more.
Wow, I am an avid reader of WRN and somehow I missed this post until now! It just so happens that I have stumbled upon this post on just the right day. God provides words of wisdom and a line of sight to his plan in so many different ways, and this was mine today. Thank you for the post and I look forward to reading!
Wow! What a blessing. God’s timing is perfect. I’m just now researching bikes, I stumbled onto your site. Love it and now I find out that you’re a Christian too! What more could I ask for? Praise the Lord for your courage to profess your faith as well as your obedience to wait. Perhaps He had you wait until I was ready to research! Oh and thanks for all of the wonderful motorcycle reviews, they’re invaluable!
I had my mid-life crisis at 40, had been a pillion since I was a teenager, so I thought it was about time to take my motorcycle test. I played around for a couple of years on my own bike, then back to being pillion again. Now 51, we did a trip from Wigan, North West UK down through Europe to the island of Skiathos in Greece and back. More than 4000 miles in total. What a ride! This year again touring Europe. Can’t get enough!
Enjoyed your article and insights. As another woman who has been on this earth for 50 years I have also walked a somewhat similar journey of spiritual awakening. Many years of religious following versus my own experience hindered me in many ways. In the last year I sold my home in Pennsylvania right after making the decision to move south. I then proceeded to move to Florida, meet up with a shipmate from my US Navy days, fall in love, got a new job, learned how to ride a motorcycle and just bought my first one. With all that being said I began to follow God in my own way thus bringing me to where I am now. I am still in awe of the strength He gave me. Looking forward to seeing more of your writings and inspiration. Life is short and finding those of like mindedness is a beautiful gift from above.
I enjoyed reading your column and am looking forward to reading more. I will be 60 in April, and I’m actually not dreading it. I think turning 50 was the hardest birthday for me so far. I started riding when I was 55, a few months after I quit smoking for good, and am looking forward to many more years of riding. Menopause for me began at the age of 43. It’s so refreshing to be free of the burden of periods! I welcomed menopause. I can really relate to your comment about breaking free of societal roles and parental influences. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and good luck!
While celebrating my 50th birthday riding bicycles in Las Vegas, I started my quest to conquer riding my own motorcycle. I was standing at the Hoover Dam and watching a large crowd of bikers roar out of the mountains and noticed that more than 60 percent of the riders were women. It was that moment I said “I can do that!” It took until 52 to really commit and now I am going on 56 and on my fourth motorcycle (went from a 250 to 650 to 900 now 1600). I have always admired you as a role model for strength and positive thinking. WRN makes every woman feel good about riding no matter what she rides and how she got there. Sharing your feelings, trials and faith take great courage and again you inspire me to reach for the higher meaning to why we are. I hope one day to travel further through this country on my bike and meet many more women riders including yourself. To supporting each other as humans with struggles as well as successes – Cheers! Thanks for creating your Miracles editorial, looking forward to reading.
Enjoyed reading your article. I will be 50 on April 15, 2015. Like you I began early menopause at 48 and sometimes I thought I was losing my mind. I believe miracles are indeed all around us if we just open our eyes and take a look. I got my motorcycle license two months ago and the feeling I get when I’m riding is indescribable. It helps. More than words can say. I’m looking forward to reading Everyday Miracles. God bless.
Genevieve, I hope it’s okay I address you by your first name. I’ve been following WRN for quite a while now and in some ways we feel we are friends. I’ve been riding for 10years now and love it. I’m 46, will be 47 this year and have no plans on stopping. Life has been hell for the latter 2012 and through 2013. I’m hopeful 2014 will be much better. I really appreciate what you shared here and am excited to be able to share in this time of your writing, and your life’s adventure during your 50th year celebration. Motorcycling for me is such a release. Nature, especially in the mountains (yes, I know – no mountains in FL), is where I seem to rejuvenate, become more in tune with God, get better perspective of life, etc. It was so interesting reading your article now. I saw it the other day and have been saving it to read (though I didn’t know why). Tonight reading it meant so much more. Just tonight after church, I just knew that though it was getting dark I needed to get out and ride. God and I needed a local road trip in the country. I needed some God perspective, some peace and to be free from outer distractions for a while. In addition, your writing comes at an appropriate time for me as everyone has always asked me about the name for my motorcycle. I could never think of one one. Then tonight riding the dark, lonely country backroads near Tampa (bugs included) I realized that all along my bike’s name is Freedom. It’s freedom as when I ride I feel free to be me no matter how short, tall, skinny, fat, cool or nerdy that is. By stepping out 10 years ago and doing the unexpected, I have been given some of the greatest gifts while riding and have met some of the most amazing people. Sorry I’m so wordy. Just couldn’t help it. Thank you WRN and for generously sharing with us. As you said that rang so true with me… “My heart and soul wants more.”
Kristin,Thank you for sharing your heart with me and the readers of WRN. Motorcycling and God just sort of go together, don’t they?All the best to you.
I see you are from Kingston, New York. That is where I was born and raised for part of my life before moving moving to Woodstock, New York, at age 7. Thanks for your support and enthusiasm.
Genevieve,You are a lady with deep spiritual understanding and this part of you has been visible to me from day one. I too hit a milestone this year…the BIG 60. Looking back on my life to the trials, tribulations and upheavals, I can pinpoint exactly the moment I smartened up and handed over my life to God our creator. He is in the driver seat of my life. Society’s ear tagging motorcyclists in a derogatory fashion is what it is. Only through positive actions will we begin to change all that. Thank you for being part of the change.I look forward to reading all your articles and publications.Warmest RegardsA Friend in Canada!
Wonderful and inspiring article! I am 55 and have been riding my own Harley for 18 months now. My father loved to ride motorcycles. When I ride it conjures up all the wonderful memories of him and how blessed my life is. With my husband riding beside me, God and my father with me, I have truly learned to “enjoy the ride.” I look forward to reading your Everyday Miracle posts.
This story definitely resonates with me. As a woman who has crossed over to the other side of life it is very different over here. At first I fought against it by creating a bucket list of physical endeavors that would prove I am not like other women over 50 — my first 5K, mud runs, playing softball again, and of course, riding again. Motivated by friends of yours in CT I picked up a Yamaha V Star 650. Much different than my enduro bikes as a kid. It then gave me cause to reflect and ask myself what is my legacy? A long happy marriage, raising two beautiful daughters, a successful career? Great accomplishments but certainly not unique or rewarding enough for me. I need to feel like I made a difference. No I’m not going to change the world, but I can certainly change a life.So that’s what I need to do: pay it forward, inspire other women to ride, create bucket lists be spiritual in whatever way works for me and just be happy cause you know what? Two years into this journey of the big 50 has been way more fun that the first 50.
I believe many women will recognize themselves in this column; I know I did! It’s such a comfort to know a person is not alone in this mid-life awakening. I am 53. I started riding in 1998 on a Honda Rebel, moved to a Harley-Davidson Sportster and I now ride a Softail Deluxe. Riding has certainly helped to keep my sanity intact along with diet and exercise as I have navigated through this “change.” I have read that if you have been on the correct life path, then menopause will be a much easier transition, but if not, then let the craziness begin until that path is corrected. For me, it has been the latter path, however, I feel I’m heading in the right direction and can now see the light at the end of the tunnel and the future looks bright, exciting and hopeful! Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to reading your columns as we all progress through this journey.
Genevieve,At 44 years old, I’m in the throes of what we both term “mid-life” crisis (or spriitual enlightening). It began last year with a very traumatic event; I fell deeper into a clinical depression. When my therapist suggested I find myself or at least distract myself through outside interests, I immediately thought of a female college student in a class I taught. She walked in the first or second day with a helmet, and I asked her about it. I envied her because at her age I couldn’t afford nor did I have the time for that endeavor, plus, I just wasn’t ready.So I threw caution to the wind and took my first class the next semester, terrified, got my license and bought my first bike, a 250 like the one we learned on in the class. My mother, and remember I’m 44, freaked out and put up quite a fight, as if she could still control my life? Some of my friends were very discouraging. I couldn’t believe some of the reactions. That didn’t stop me. I needed this. I test rode my first big bike yesterday as a matter of fact, a Honda Shadow Aero, and wow, the heavens opened up, and the angels were signing. It. Was. Amazing. Tomorrow or the next day, I head to Harley-Davidson to see their bikes.I can’t say I’m at the end of my mid-life crisis, but I’m hoping for a mid-life miracle.Love this letter your wrote and will love going on your journey with you as I continue on mine.
Genevieve,You became my “hero” many years ago after watching you on the documentary. You still hold that role today – even more so. And I’m sure to most of the women who read WRN. I also am turning 50 this year. Thank you for putting it into perspective. I wish you luck on your journey and look forward to what will be our future! Thank you!
See, it’s really not about what you are taught, but what you learn in life. You get life’s teachings in every day lessons, and if you don’t share those learned lessons, some may miss out on your givings. That’s how I see it. It’s also really not a case of boasting or bragging, but sharing the tale of life and who you have met and why you love it all. It’s about turning those on who may be thinking a little of going into riding or a significant career, etc. Menopause had nothing to do with it…in my opinion. Your smarts did. Something about turning 50 throws us women into a an OMG kind of reality. A truth about learning who we really are as individuals. A finding of confidence. We think, “We are 50, half way ‘there.'” Then we think now what? Well, we have “now.” It is what it is, and if we can share that knowledge or fun or diddy about life…let’s do it. Menopause isn’t so bad. As a matter of fact, it’s great! Change is good and refreshing and being an oldie here, I can tell you it is true. Can’t wait to see what you write when you turn 60!
I stumbled upon WRN while doing research. I’m buying my first bike (Heritage Softail) soon and doing my course the first weekend in March. I turn 50 in June. I love the idea of celebrating the entire year so I’m going to follow your lead on that one!I’ve always wanted to ride and I feel it will be a great way to help me cope with my “mentalpause” which is just beginning. Also, to help me reconnect with God. I too am a person who usually sees the miracles everywhere but lately I tend to be too busy. So, the timing of your article is a miracle for me 🙂
Your photo on FB and the number 50 caught my eye right away. I started riding when I hit 50 and will be 60 this May with about 65,000 miles under my belt between my first Yamaha V Star and then my Harley Softail. Nothing was more freeing than turning 50; bought a bike, left my teaching job, got a tattoo…a big one of my totem…and bought my dream dog….a mini wiener, then moved to Daytona Beach. I found out how powerful I was by riding a motorcycle. Not because of what they sometime represent, but because I mustered up the courage to do something that I really, really wanted to do and was terrified to do it…all by myself, with my family in deep criticism. Riding represents freedom, power, the embracing of the beauty that surrounds me, living…really living. All of my senses become finely tuned, every temperature change, every aroma from cow manure to sweet grass is deeply cherished. I become filled with an amazing gratitude for the life I have chosen to embrace and that has been gifted me. Riding literally changes my internal vibration, raising it to a level that causes my world to shift. The highlight so far, in my world of riding, was taking my Harley by myself, fully loaded with a whole summer’s gear and my little wiener dog crated on the back from Daytona Beach through eight states, all back country roads, all the way to Boyne City in beautiful northern Michigan, where I spent the summer. I love my life; I love what I have chosen to embrace. There is a scripture that says “And He shall give you the desire of your heart.” I believe that it was God who smiled upon me and placed this deep longing and desire to experience this beautiful world from the powerful roar under me.
Wow Barbara! Thank you for sharing. When we start to open up to all that is available to us from God, our creator, He will indeed give us the desires of our heart. But we must first be aligned with God for him to even know what our desires are and clearly you haven’t gotten there with the help of motorcycling. Your story reminded me how, when I first started riding, I began to really feel God all around me. The motorcycling experience has a way of bringing us to that higher level, changing our “internal vibration” as you say. I love that! It warms my heart to read such joy coming from a person. God bless!
Inspiring I’m so excited to have come across this on Facebook. Brought me to tears, actually. Looking forward to joining in the conversation! God is good!
Genevieve, just signed up to receive your posts, and I’m so excited to see what you have to share. It is refreshing to find a strong, independent woman who is unafraid to share her faith in such a public way.I turned 50 last year and spent the day on a moto-camping trip with my entire family. Couldn’t think of a better way I’d want I spend my milestone birthday! I learned to ride just three years ago, and it has opened up a whole world for me. I just became director of LOH at our local chapter, and my goal is to encourage the ladies who ride as passengers to try riding their own bikes. I have referred to and shared your we site often.You are an inspiration!
Genevieve,Your Everyday Miracles columns are so refreshing. I love that you are not ashamed of your faith and willing to tell the truth about not what, but who has seen you through. I will tell you and others, I turned 60 last year and through my relationship with God and learning to take care of myself through exercise, diet and lifestyle, I actually feel better and stronger now than in my 40s. Plus, I have weathered one of my most stressful decades ever! Keep the columns coming and ROAR ON!
Thanks Kathy. You and your Roar Motorcycles dealership in Daytona Beach is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for all you are doing for women and motorcycling.
Genevieve,I enjoyed your article and testimony. I think the older I get the more I understand what God has really done and is doing for us all. I didn’t get my motorcycle license until I was 56 and am now 59. I totally love it and mostly ride alone, therefore I have a lot of peaceful and even spiritual rides — enjoying the beauty and serene landscape God has provided for us. Keep us posted on your walk as your words are inspirational!
As a former fellow rider/writer who’s joyously and proudly watched you “rumble” your own unique way into midlife AND God’s amazing grace, I look forward to seeing what God has on the journey ahead for you sweet girl. May you find enormous peace and refreshment as Jesus remains your “road captain.”YOU are loved.
Thank you for your kind words Ronna. You were definitely in my thoughts when writing some of this column because you so beautifully modeled for me how a person with a writer’s mind shares her menopausal journey with others through your wonderful book, Hot Flashes from Heaven. In fact, I plan to share about it in a future post because of its impact on me. So thank you for writing a comment so I can share it now here.
I turned 50 a few months ago and have learned much over time. I can’t think of a better person to surrender to than Him. There are so many everyday miracles — I look forward to reading your thoughts. I have been riding for five years now. I started on a Sportster, moved to a Street Glide, and now am riding a Tri Glide. I finally found my “freedom!” I’m a bit on the short side so reverse won out. I found this website from the beginning of my motorcycle journey and can say that without it, I probably would have given up in my quest. Thank you!
Hi Genevieve,I am also turning 50 this April, and have been in menopause since 45, LOL! Got my motorcycle license in 2010 and truly believe that God’s timing is perfect. Always loving adventure and meeting people everywhere, I truly believe this path my husband and I are on (riding our motorcycles) is to be humbled as we travel and explore.The freedom to go anywhere with the bare minimum cannot be explained…it has to be lived. We are blessed indeed. Hope to see you in the curves.
Today, you are the miracle!Too often we in “the change” are left alone to our demons. You have opened the doors, offered understanding and the knowledge that we are not alone or crazy. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to your insights. and (I’m sure I speak for many) if we may offer any encouragement or strengths to you, just let us know. Godspeed
Thanks for posting this article; feels like you’re talking directly to me. I’m turning 50 this year, started menopause at 48 (like you, not an easy ride by any means) and wondering if there are any adventures left!Getting closer to my creator is an awkward yet necessary practice…also focusing on maximizing health through diet and exercise. That bone density test they give you is a bit of a wake up call. It does feel like most of the excitement is over, and I wonder what purposes God has for me going forward. Maybe the key is for me to stop talking and start listening.
Donna,Sounds like menopause is already opening you up to a deeper understanding about life and things. You are so right: we need to stop talking and start listening. I will write about this in one of my columns soon.
Awesome! I’ve been waiting years to read your inner personal viewpoints. I started riding at 39 and turned 52 in December. Hate those hormones. Started studying scripture a couple years ago. Very rewarding.
I turned 50 today and I was not thrilled, but you’re right. We have to celebrate every day of this year and the next ones whether we’re turning 20 or 70 or 50! Thanks for this post today. Just what I needed 🙂
Gen,First off, I would like to congratulate you on stepping up, and stepping out on your faith in God. Second, I’m not sure if I added the correct email to the Everyday Miracles list.
I enjoyed reading your article. So much of it resonated with me. I’ll be 55 this year and I’ve been enjoying (sarcasm) my own personal internal furnace for 10 years now. I starting riding when I was 46 and for me riding has always been a very spiritual experience. It’s an opportunity to slow down and take in all the beauty God created. I’m looking forward to Everyday Miracles.
AMEN! I can relate to everything you just wrote. I went through surgical menopause at 48. I did get my motorcycle license at 47 (close to 50) and that was five years ago. I have been a Christian for nearly all of my life, but have been reading the word, studying, praying and growing closer to the Lord with each passing day. I too, can see the beauty in the small things, and truly try to see the best in all things, and remember to be grateful and thankful. I salute you for your bravery on announcing “your calling” and then acting upon it. Ride safe!
Wow, I am an avid reader of WRN and somehow I missed this post until now! It just so happens that I have stumbled upon this post on just the right day. God provides words of wisdom and a line of sight to his plan in so many different ways, and this was mine today. Thank you for the post and I look forward to reading!
Wow! What a blessing. God’s timing is perfect. I’m just now researching bikes, I stumbled onto your site. Love it and now I find out that you’re a Christian too! What more could I ask for? Praise the Lord for your courage to profess your faith as well as your obedience to wait. Perhaps He had you wait until I was ready to research! Oh and thanks for all of the wonderful motorcycle reviews, they’re invaluable!
I had my mid-life crisis at 40, had been a pillion since I was a teenager, so I thought it was about time to take my motorcycle test. I played around for a couple of years on my own bike, then back to being pillion again. Now 51, we did a trip from Wigan, North West UK down through Europe to the island of Skiathos in Greece and back. More than 4000 miles in total. What a ride! This year again touring Europe. Can’t get enough!
Enjoyed your article and insights. As another woman who has been on this earth for 50 years I have also walked a somewhat similar journey of spiritual awakening. Many years of religious following versus my own experience hindered me in many ways. In the last year I sold my home in Pennsylvania right after making the decision to move south. I then proceeded to move to Florida, meet up with a shipmate from my US Navy days, fall in love, got a new job, learned how to ride a motorcycle and just bought my first one. With all that being said I began to follow God in my own way thus bringing me to where I am now. I am still in awe of the strength He gave me. Looking forward to seeing more of your writings and inspiration. Life is short and finding those of like mindedness is a beautiful gift from above.
Well said Connie.
I enjoyed reading your column and am looking forward to reading more. I will be 60 in April, and I’m actually not dreading it. I think turning 50 was the hardest birthday for me so far. I started riding when I was 55, a few months after I quit smoking for good, and am looking forward to many more years of riding. Menopause for me began at the age of 43. It’s so refreshing to be free of the burden of periods! I welcomed menopause. I can really relate to your comment about breaking free of societal roles and parental influences. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and good luck!
While celebrating my 50th birthday riding bicycles in Las Vegas, I started my quest to conquer riding my own motorcycle. I was standing at the Hoover Dam and watching a large crowd of bikers roar out of the mountains and noticed that more than 60 percent of the riders were women. It was that moment I said “I can do that!” It took until 52 to really commit and now I am going on 56 and on my fourth motorcycle (went from a 250 to 650 to 900 now 1600). I have always admired you as a role model for strength and positive thinking. WRN makes every woman feel good about riding no matter what she rides and how she got there. Sharing your feelings, trials and faith take great courage and again you inspire me to reach for the higher meaning to why we are. I hope one day to travel further through this country on my bike and meet many more women riders including yourself. To supporting each other as humans with struggles as well as successes – Cheers! Thanks for creating your Miracles editorial, looking forward to reading.
Enjoyed reading your article. I will be 50 on April 15, 2015. Like you I began early menopause at 48 and sometimes I thought I was losing my mind. I believe miracles are indeed all around us if we just open our eyes and take a look. I got my motorcycle license two months ago and the feeling I get when I’m riding is indescribable. It helps. More than words can say. I’m looking forward to reading Everyday Miracles. God bless.
Genevieve, I hope it’s okay I address you by your first name. I’ve been following WRN for quite a while now and in some ways we feel we are friends. I’ve been riding for 10years now and love it. I’m 46, will be 47 this year and have no plans on stopping. Life has been hell for the latter 2012 and through 2013. I’m hopeful 2014 will be much better. I really appreciate what you shared here and am excited to be able to share in this time of your writing, and your life’s adventure during your 50th year celebration. Motorcycling for me is such a release. Nature, especially in the mountains (yes, I know – no mountains in FL), is where I seem to rejuvenate, become more in tune with God, get better perspective of life, etc. It was so interesting reading your article now. I saw it the other day and have been saving it to read (though I didn’t know why). Tonight reading it meant so much more. Just tonight after church, I just knew that though it was getting dark I needed to get out and ride. God and I needed a local road trip in the country. I needed some God perspective, some peace and to be free from outer distractions for a while. In addition, your writing comes at an appropriate time for me as everyone has always asked me about the name for my motorcycle. I could never think of one one. Then tonight riding the dark, lonely country backroads near Tampa (bugs included) I realized that all along my bike’s name is Freedom. It’s freedom as when I ride I feel free to be me no matter how short, tall, skinny, fat, cool or nerdy that is. By stepping out 10 years ago and doing the unexpected, I have been given some of the greatest gifts while riding and have met some of the most amazing people. Sorry I’m so wordy. Just couldn’t help it. Thank you WRN and for generously sharing with us. As you said that rang so true with me… “My heart and soul wants more.”
Kristin,Thank you for sharing your heart with me and the readers of WRN. Motorcycling and God just sort of go together, don’t they?All the best to you.
I can’t wait to read and be inspired! Happy BirthYEAR!
I see you are from Kingston, New York. That is where I was born and raised for part of my life before moving moving to Woodstock, New York, at age 7. Thanks for your support and enthusiasm.
Genevieve,You are a lady with deep spiritual understanding and this part of you has been visible to me from day one. I too hit a milestone this year…the BIG 60. Looking back on my life to the trials, tribulations and upheavals, I can pinpoint exactly the moment I smartened up and handed over my life to God our creator. He is in the driver seat of my life. Society’s ear tagging motorcyclists in a derogatory fashion is what it is. Only through positive actions will we begin to change all that. Thank you for being part of the change.I look forward to reading all your articles and publications.Warmest RegardsA Friend in Canada!
Wonderful and inspiring article! I am 55 and have been riding my own Harley for 18 months now. My father loved to ride motorcycles. When I ride it conjures up all the wonderful memories of him and how blessed my life is. With my husband riding beside me, God and my father with me, I have truly learned to “enjoy the ride.” I look forward to reading your Everyday Miracle posts.
This story definitely resonates with me. As a woman who has crossed over to the other side of life it is very different over here. At first I fought against it by creating a bucket list of physical endeavors that would prove I am not like other women over 50 — my first 5K, mud runs, playing softball again, and of course, riding again. Motivated by friends of yours in CT I picked up a Yamaha V Star 650. Much different than my enduro bikes as a kid. It then gave me cause to reflect and ask myself what is my legacy? A long happy marriage, raising two beautiful daughters, a successful career? Great accomplishments but certainly not unique or rewarding enough for me. I need to feel like I made a difference. No I’m not going to change the world, but I can certainly change a life.So that’s what I need to do: pay it forward, inspire other women to ride, create bucket lists be spiritual in whatever way works for me and just be happy cause you know what? Two years into this journey of the big 50 has been way more fun that the first 50.
Thank you so much for sharing that Laura. Gives me more reasons to look forward to my 50s. All the best to you in this next decade of life.
I believe many women will recognize themselves in this column; I know I did! It’s such a comfort to know a person is not alone in this mid-life awakening. I am 53. I started riding in 1998 on a Honda Rebel, moved to a Harley-Davidson Sportster and I now ride a Softail Deluxe. Riding has certainly helped to keep my sanity intact along with diet and exercise as I have navigated through this “change.” I have read that if you have been on the correct life path, then menopause will be a much easier transition, but if not, then let the craziness begin until that path is corrected. For me, it has been the latter path, however, I feel I’m heading in the right direction and can now see the light at the end of the tunnel and the future looks bright, exciting and hopeful! Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to reading your columns as we all progress through this journey.
Genevieve,At 44 years old, I’m in the throes of what we both term “mid-life” crisis (or spriitual enlightening). It began last year with a very traumatic event; I fell deeper into a clinical depression. When my therapist suggested I find myself or at least distract myself through outside interests, I immediately thought of a female college student in a class I taught. She walked in the first or second day with a helmet, and I asked her about it. I envied her because at her age I couldn’t afford nor did I have the time for that endeavor, plus, I just wasn’t ready.So I threw caution to the wind and took my first class the next semester, terrified, got my license and bought my first bike, a 250 like the one we learned on in the class. My mother, and remember I’m 44, freaked out and put up quite a fight, as if she could still control my life? Some of my friends were very discouraging. I couldn’t believe some of the reactions. That didn’t stop me. I needed this. I test rode my first big bike yesterday as a matter of fact, a Honda Shadow Aero, and wow, the heavens opened up, and the angels were signing. It. Was. Amazing. Tomorrow or the next day, I head to Harley-Davidson to see their bikes.I can’t say I’m at the end of my mid-life crisis, but I’m hoping for a mid-life miracle.Love this letter your wrote and will love going on your journey with you as I continue on mine.
Genevieve,You became my “hero” many years ago after watching you on the documentary. You still hold that role today – even more so. And I’m sure to most of the women who read WRN. I also am turning 50 this year. Thank you for putting it into perspective. I wish you luck on your journey and look forward to what will be our future! Thank you!
See, it’s really not about what you are taught, but what you learn in life. You get life’s teachings in every day lessons, and if you don’t share those learned lessons, some may miss out on your givings. That’s how I see it. It’s also really not a case of boasting or bragging, but sharing the tale of life and who you have met and why you love it all. It’s about turning those on who may be thinking a little of going into riding or a significant career, etc. Menopause had nothing to do with it…in my opinion. Your smarts did. Something about turning 50 throws us women into a an OMG kind of reality. A truth about learning who we really are as individuals. A finding of confidence. We think, “We are 50, half way ‘there.'” Then we think now what? Well, we have “now.” It is what it is, and if we can share that knowledge or fun or diddy about life…let’s do it. Menopause isn’t so bad. As a matter of fact, it’s great! Change is good and refreshing and being an oldie here, I can tell you it is true. Can’t wait to see what you write when you turn 60!
I stumbled upon WRN while doing research. I’m buying my first bike (Heritage Softail) soon and doing my course the first weekend in March. I turn 50 in June. I love the idea of celebrating the entire year so I’m going to follow your lead on that one!I’ve always wanted to ride and I feel it will be a great way to help me cope with my “mentalpause” which is just beginning. Also, to help me reconnect with God. I too am a person who usually sees the miracles everywhere but lately I tend to be too busy. So, the timing of your article is a miracle for me 🙂
Your photo on FB and the number 50 caught my eye right away. I started riding when I hit 50 and will be 60 this May with about 65,000 miles under my belt between my first Yamaha V Star and then my Harley Softail. Nothing was more freeing than turning 50; bought a bike, left my teaching job, got a tattoo…a big one of my totem…and bought my dream dog….a mini wiener, then moved to Daytona Beach. I found out how powerful I was by riding a motorcycle. Not because of what they sometime represent, but because I mustered up the courage to do something that I really, really wanted to do and was terrified to do it…all by myself, with my family in deep criticism. Riding represents freedom, power, the embracing of the beauty that surrounds me, living…really living. All of my senses become finely tuned, every temperature change, every aroma from cow manure to sweet grass is deeply cherished. I become filled with an amazing gratitude for the life I have chosen to embrace and that has been gifted me. Riding literally changes my internal vibration, raising it to a level that causes my world to shift. The highlight so far, in my world of riding, was taking my Harley by myself, fully loaded with a whole summer’s gear and my little wiener dog crated on the back from Daytona Beach through eight states, all back country roads, all the way to Boyne City in beautiful northern Michigan, where I spent the summer. I love my life; I love what I have chosen to embrace. There is a scripture that says “And He shall give you the desire of your heart.” I believe that it was God who smiled upon me and placed this deep longing and desire to experience this beautiful world from the powerful roar under me.
Wow Barbara! Thank you for sharing. When we start to open up to all that is available to us from God, our creator, He will indeed give us the desires of our heart. But we must first be aligned with God for him to even know what our desires are and clearly you haven’t gotten there with the help of motorcycling. Your story reminded me how, when I first started riding, I began to really feel God all around me. The motorcycling experience has a way of bringing us to that higher level, changing our “internal vibration” as you say. I love that! It warms my heart to read such joy coming from a person. God bless!
Inspiring I’m so excited to have come across this on Facebook. Brought me to tears, actually. Looking forward to joining in the conversation! God is good!
Genevieve, just signed up to receive your posts, and I’m so excited to see what you have to share. It is refreshing to find a strong, independent woman who is unafraid to share her faith in such a public way.I turned 50 last year and spent the day on a moto-camping trip with my entire family. Couldn’t think of a better way I’d want I spend my milestone birthday! I learned to ride just three years ago, and it has opened up a whole world for me. I just became director of LOH at our local chapter, and my goal is to encourage the ladies who ride as passengers to try riding their own bikes. I have referred to and shared your we site often.You are an inspiration!
Thank you for your kind words Denise, and for sharing WRN. It means the world to me to connect with people like you. I appreciate all your support.
Genevieve,Your Everyday Miracles columns are so refreshing. I love that you are not ashamed of your faith and willing to tell the truth about not what, but who has seen you through. I will tell you and others, I turned 60 last year and through my relationship with God and learning to take care of myself through exercise, diet and lifestyle, I actually feel better and stronger now than in my 40s. Plus, I have weathered one of my most stressful decades ever! Keep the columns coming and ROAR ON!
Thanks Kathy. You and your Roar Motorcycles dealership in Daytona Beach is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for all you are doing for women and motorcycling.
Genevieve,I enjoyed your article and testimony. I think the older I get the more I understand what God has really done and is doing for us all. I didn’t get my motorcycle license until I was 56 and am now 59. I totally love it and mostly ride alone, therefore I have a lot of peaceful and even spiritual rides — enjoying the beauty and serene landscape God has provided for us. Keep us posted on your walk as your words are inspirational!
Looking forward to being on the receiving end of God’s gift to you.
As a former fellow rider/writer who’s joyously and proudly watched you “rumble” your own unique way into midlife AND God’s amazing grace, I look forward to seeing what God has on the journey ahead for you sweet girl. May you find enormous peace and refreshment as Jesus remains your “road captain.”YOU are loved.
Thank you for your kind words Ronna. You were definitely in my thoughts when writing some of this column because you so beautifully modeled for me how a person with a writer’s mind shares her menopausal journey with others through your wonderful book, Hot Flashes from Heaven. In fact, I plan to share about it in a future post because of its impact on me. So thank you for writing a comment so I can share it now here.
Genevieve, I’m so glad you rode across my heart in that Pilates class many moons ago. Looking forward to reading about your miracles. Love, Patty
I turned 50 a few months ago and have learned much over time. I can’t think of a better person to surrender to than Him. There are so many everyday miracles — I look forward to reading your thoughts. I have been riding for five years now. I started on a Sportster, moved to a Street Glide, and now am riding a Tri Glide. I finally found my “freedom!” I’m a bit on the short side so reverse won out. I found this website from the beginning of my motorcycle journey and can say that without it, I probably would have given up in my quest. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your kind and humbling words Rose.
Hi Genevieve,I am also turning 50 this April, and have been in menopause since 45, LOL! Got my motorcycle license in 2010 and truly believe that God’s timing is perfect. Always loving adventure and meeting people everywhere, I truly believe this path my husband and I are on (riding our motorcycles) is to be humbled as we travel and explore.The freedom to go anywhere with the bare minimum cannot be explained…it has to be lived. We are blessed indeed. Hope to see you in the curves.
Today, you are the miracle!Too often we in “the change” are left alone to our demons. You have opened the doors, offered understanding and the knowledge that we are not alone or crazy. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to your insights. and (I’m sure I speak for many) if we may offer any encouragement or strengths to you, just let us know. Godspeed
Thanks for posting this article; feels like you’re talking directly to me. I’m turning 50 this year, started menopause at 48 (like you, not an easy ride by any means) and wondering if there are any adventures left!Getting closer to my creator is an awkward yet necessary practice…also focusing on maximizing health through diet and exercise. That bone density test they give you is a bit of a wake up call. It does feel like most of the excitement is over, and I wonder what purposes God has for me going forward. Maybe the key is for me to stop talking and start listening.
Donna,Sounds like menopause is already opening you up to a deeper understanding about life and things. You are so right: we need to stop talking and start listening. I will write about this in one of my columns soon.
Awesome! I’ve been waiting years to read your inner personal viewpoints. I started riding at 39 and turned 52 in December. Hate those hormones. Started studying scripture a couple years ago. Very rewarding.
I turned 50 today and I was not thrilled, but you’re right. We have to celebrate every day of this year and the next ones whether we’re turning 20 or 70 or 50! Thanks for this post today. Just what I needed 🙂
Happy birthday to you, Geja!
Gen,First off, I would like to congratulate you on stepping up, and stepping out on your faith in God. Second, I’m not sure if I added the correct email to the Everyday Miracles list.
Bill,I’ve confirmed that you are signed up on my list. Thank you. I am humbled by your interest.
I enjoyed reading your article. So much of it resonated with me. I’ll be 55 this year and I’ve been enjoying (sarcasm) my own personal internal furnace for 10 years now. I starting riding when I was 46 and for me riding has always been a very spiritual experience. It’s an opportunity to slow down and take in all the beauty God created. I’m looking forward to Everyday Miracles.
AMEN! I can relate to everything you just wrote. I went through surgical menopause at 48. I did get my motorcycle license at 47 (close to 50) and that was five years ago. I have been a Christian for nearly all of my life, but have been reading the word, studying, praying and growing closer to the Lord with each passing day. I too, can see the beauty in the small things, and truly try to see the best in all things, and remember to be grateful and thankful. I salute you for your bravery on announcing “your calling” and then acting upon it. Ride safe!
Turning 50 too. Hopefully taking the Oregon Trail all the way out west and route 50 home. Keep peace within you.