Review: Shoei RF-SR Entry-level Motorcycle Helmet
This new helmet from Shoei features high-end features at an entry-level price.
Review: Shoei RF-SR Entry-level Motorcycle Helmet
This new helmet from Shoei features high-end features at an entry-level price.
Review: Shoei RF-SR Entry-level Motorcycle Helmet
The all-new Honda Gold Wing is completely reinvented and includes technology that makes it a top contender among todays touring motorcycles.
What We Love About the New 2018 Honda Gold Wing Touring Motorcycle
Riding an adventure motorcycle in South Africa with a world-reknowned female motorcycle riders can be checked off the bucket list. Find out how you can do it too!
Jo Rust Adventures Women’s South Africa Adventure Motorcycle Tour
I’m on a quest to find the most comfortable protective motorcycle riding jeans out there. And I think I’ve found a pair that ranks at the top or close to it. The BMW City Denim
Review: Stylish, Comfortable Abrasion-Resistant Jeans with Armor
Following through on their plan to introduce 100 high-impact motorcycles by 2027, Harley-Davidson introduced the Forty-Eight Special and Iron 1200.
Retro Styling in Harley-Davidson’s New Sportsters: Forty-Eight Special and Iron 1200
Senas 30K intercom for motorcycle helmets allows riders to seamlessly connect and communicate with each other.
Review: Sena 30K Intercom for Motorcycle Riders
For those who want big-time weather protection on a budget, heres a motorcycle touring outfit designed with you in mind.
Review: Simple Waterproof Motorcycle Touring Pants and Jacket
Kymcos fun and small two single-cylinder motorcycles, the Spade and the K-Pipe, suit a variety of riders’ tastes.
Kymco Spade 150 and K-Pipe 125: Small Motorcycles, Big Fun
Each year the manufacturers build new models while refining existing ones. Check out the list of bike our editors chose with features women appreciate.
2018 New and Updated Motorcycles To Get Excited About
In the early 1990s, Carolyn Fox became one of the first women ever to ride a motorcycle across all 50 states. She chronicles this rare feat in her new book, “Soul Rider.”
Book Preview: Soul Rider by Carolyn Fox