Your Stories

We would love to share your motorcycling story. Find out how to submit here

Reader Story: Let Freedom Ring!

I took the weekend MSF course shortly after September 11, 2001. It was a challenging year for me. I made it through a serious illness and like every other American, my life was changed by the events of that fateful Tuesday morning. I also turned 40, but that didnt bother me all that much as I was grateful for regaining my health. These things made me realize that life is a precious gift and we need to enjoy our days here on earth to the fullest.

Reader Story: Let Freedom Ring!

Reader Story: There Is Hope

My husband Jack and I took our first cross country trip last year. I still cant believe Im riding again. I will soon be 53 years old, and have gone through some medical problems over the past seven years, so when I look back at it all, I am amazed at the accomplishment.

Reader Story: There Is Hope

Reader Story: Making the Most of Today

In the spring of 2004 I experienced the scare of a possible MS diagnosis. That was it. It was time make the most of now. I had sportbikes in the past but had given them up because I was told supporting a riding habit as a single mom was not the best use of my time or money. My son always will come first, but I had to ask myself, “If tomorrow is my last day, am I doing what I want to be doing today?”

Reader Story: Making the Most of Today

Reader Story: If You Want to Test Your Limits

How many of you are braggin of draggin the Dragon? Doing a buck forty on the interstate? Best wheelie? While lane-splitting? Timing the lights just right? Why are you still riding on the street? We have all found ourselves in a foolish situation on a street bike. Dropping a knee in the corner to discover the corner is full of gravel. Sliding sideways on wet leaves at a stop sign. I can’t imagine wasting time on a street bike.

Reader Story: If You Want to Test Your Limits

Reader Story: Fonzie Ignited Her Passion to Ride

I can tell you the exact moment in time when I fell in love with motorcycles and the bad boys who ride them. I was a young girl growing up in rural Wisconsin and we didnt have much to do in the way of entertainment except playing outside, annoying our siblings and watching our favorite programs on TV. On Tuesday evenings I would go over to the neighbors house (they had a big floor model TV) and we would watch Threes Company, Laverne Shirley and my all-time favorite Happy Days.

Reader Story: Fonzie Ignited Her Passion to Ride

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