Your Stories

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Reader Story: Mom Is My Inspiration to Ride

It wasnt all that long ago that I would beg my mom to let me off her motorcycle a block before reaching my high school so as not to be spotted riding on the back. My how times have changed! Moms passion for riding was an inspiration for me, and while my days riding as a passenger are all but over, these days I get more seat time riding my own motorcycles.

Reader Story: Mom Is My Inspiration to Ride

Reader Story: Myrtle Beach Bike Week (Not Like It Used to Be)

We decided to give Myrtle Beach Bike Week a try when my friend suggested we visit her timeshare. We had read stories about how Myrtle Beach residents didnt want the “big bad bikers” and had instituted a number of laws to convince us to stay home or at least pick somewhere else to vacation. Undaunted by the bad press, we set out on a beautiful Thursday afternoon in early May to see if the press was making it out to be as bad as it truly was.

Reader Story: Myrtle Beach Bike Week (Not Like It Used to Be)

Reader Story: Getting Past the Roadblocks

I am a flatbed truck driver. I ride a 2002 Harley-Davidson Road King that I bought from my brother and put 16,000 miles on in the first 13 months I had it. I have only been riding on my own for less than 2 years. Last November I fell from the top of a loaded flatbed, 7 feet in the air, head first. I shattered both my wrists, broke my nose and took 10 stitches in three places on my face. I had pins and external fixators on both my wrists for 10 weeks and lost all strength and flexibility on both.

Reader Story: Getting Past the Roadblocks

Reader Story: Starting to Ride—at 68 Years Old!

It all began at the ripe age of 65 while vacationing in Pigeon Pass, Tennessee, during the spring when bikes were abounding everywhere. I decided that riding a motorcycle would be fun. I was so enraptured that I went to the Harley-Davidson dealer there and purchased a helmet. Upon arriving home in Florida, I signed up and took a riders safety course, which I failed by riding the bike off the course and going down. Undeterred

Reader Story: Starting to Ride—at 68 Years Old!

Reader Story: An Experienced Rider Takes to the Back Seat

While I was growing up in suburban New Jersey, no one in my family rode motorcycles or had any desire to know about them. My father was interested in aircraft, so he got his pilot’s license. My family was fortunate enough to be whisked away many weekends to travel somewhere in our plane: Canada for Canadian bacon, Block Island (off the coast of Rhode Island), Amish country in Pennsylvania, and many other fantastic places.

Reader Story: An Experienced Rider Takes to the Back Seat

Reader Story: Mentoring through Mishaps

My riding experience started by sitting on the back of my husbands new 1989 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic. While enjoying sitting on the back during 1989, I knew instantly this was not the place for me. My husband would take me to the local mall to practice. He would ride the bike there and I would follow in his truck. At first he would sit behind me on the bike and I would ride around the parking lot.

Reader Story: Mentoring through Mishaps

Reader Story: Invasion of the Brits

Two years ago, I was leading a motorcycle tour for my womens riding group, Dangerous Curves, to Lake Tahoe and one of the women asked me why I wasnt doing this as a business venture. The idea kind of took me aback however, I thought, why not? The end result birthed NorthStar Moto Tours. This is the story about our last tour of 2008 and the wonderful experiences and camaraderie gained through motor touring.

Reader Story: Invasion of the Brits

Reader Story: Finding My Calling in Motorcycling

It probably started when as a young girl; I clipped a baseball card with a clothespin to my bicycle spokes so it would make that “motorcycle noise.” At 12 years old I got a minibike that made me the envy of the neighborhood boys. At 16 I went to the DMV and got my motorcycle learners permit. With no money for a motorcycle, the dream went on the back burner until I was 34 years old.

Reader Story: Finding My Calling in Motorcycling

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