We already know women are a driving force in the motorcycle industry … lets keep it going! WRN is on a mission to educate other female riders about how we can personally encourage more ladies (girls, boys, and everyone!) to get interested in riding motorcycles. Read my suggestions on what you can do to grow the community of women who ride motorcycles, then post your comment and photo below. Lastly, share this story with all your riding friends so they too can make a difference.

1. Ride!
The more a woman rides, the more visible she is to everyone. Ladies: remember when seeing a woman on her own motorcycle excited you because you hadnt seen it before? Now it’s your chance to be that role model for the next generation of riders.
Remember to wave at every young girl (and boy) you pass who looks up at the sound of your motorcycle. These children could be future motorcycle riders. Those of you who have experienced this know what a glorious feeling it is when that child waves at you then excitedly tells Mom or Dad standing with them, “It’s a girl riding that motorcycle!”
2. Be a mentor
About 10 years ago, Harley-Davidson developed a womens outreach program in conjunction with its Garage Parties called “Share Your Spark” to encourage mentoring. When I make a new non-riding friend, she is almost always intrigued by the fact that I ride a motorcycle. I take the opportunity to school her about how awesome riding is, how I got started, and how she too can enter the world of motorcycling if its something that excites her.
It’s up to me to help her follow through with getting started by guiding her to a Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic RiderCourse (MSF BRC) or similar program, then advising on her first motorcycle purchase, and thoughtfully and patiently leading her on the first “real” road ride. Its an amazing feeling to be able to guide a new rider into our special, exciting world of motorcycling.

3. Become a RiderCoach
I’m sure many of you learned to ride like I did—by taking the MSFs Beginner RiderCourse (BRC) or a similar learn-to-ride program. It’s been more than 20 years since I took the class, but I still remember the excitement I felt in the days leading up to my course, trepidation about “not getting it,” and pride when I finally passed (by the skin of my teeth.)
Today, I have the honor of being in the RiderCoach’s boots, and get to be on the other side. Like motorcycling itself, the ratio of men to women RiderCoaches is severely skewed with too few women teaching. And there’s an equally disturbing ratio of female to male students who fail or drop out of the class. I believe that having more female RiderCoaches will help. An ideal class setup, in my opinion, would be one man and one woman teaching every class. In order to accomplish that, we need more female instructors.

4. Be proactive in your riding community
Its exciting to see women rider exclusive events like the annual Babes Ride Out campouts, (a record setting all-womens event its first year) and others held in different areas of the country. (Check out our calendar of events here.) I crave women-only rides and events because of the camaraderie and networking that presents itself only when women are around other women, but it’s up to the women who ride themselves to organize these events.

Joining a womens motorcycle riding club is one way to find other women to ride with. But make sure that your club gets the word out so that other women can find out about it. List clear information about the club, and a contact to call or email on its Facebook page or website. Advertise the club at local dealerships, and send us the clubs information so we can share it here in the most comprehensive womens motorcycle club listing. Dont see a club near you? Be proactive and start one yourself!
The same thing goes for having more gear and motorcycles to choose from. I hear this complaint all the time. Most motorcycling manufacturers, clothing companies, aftermarket companies, and motorcycle magazines (Women Riders Now is the exception) are run by men. To elicit change, women must get involved in the upper levels of management, where decisions are made. If you love motorcycling, consider using your business, finance, marketing, journalism or whatever degree and work in the motorcycle industry. Women are still grossly underrepresented at the big manufacturers and publishing companies.
5. Be first
If you enjoy riding in groups with the guys or with your significant other, take the lead. Just like how we traded the back seat to be able to steer our own motorcycle, we can also lead the ride sometimes. Does your co-ed riding club have any female road captains? Step up and learn how you can become one.

6. Show off your sex
Even if its not your style, consider wearing gear with bright colors, feminine accents, or let your long, beautiful hair flow from under your helmet in the best way you can without it getting too knotted up. The more women “look” like women, the more likely people will notice that, “Yes! That is a woman riding her own motorcycle!”

If you choose to wear a black full-face helmet with a dark visor and a black leather jacket and pants, you’ll blend in with the guys and get no recognition. Go ahead and be daring!
Other ways to show that you’re a girl on a motorcycle: Put a bright colored or feminine colored bungee cord around extra gear on your motorcycle- Add some sparkly bling to your bike- Choose gear that emphasizes your female figure- Add a sticker with a graphic of a woman rider to your helmet
Do you have other ideas on how to get more women interested in motorcycling? Share them in our comments section below and attach a photo.
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I have been kicking around being a MSF instructor for a while—this convinced me to give it a go! Thanks for your great website. I always appreciate your insight and just this space you’ve created.
That’s awesome Chris! I am super stoked every time I hear about another woman becoming a RiderCoach. Stay in touch and let us know how it goes. Good luck!
Yes, ride, be noticed and nice! We influence more people than we will ever know. While on a cross-country trip, on Interstate 80, wearing my red leather boots on my Red Harley Street Glide, I apparently was noticed. During a rest stop in the ladies rest room, a woman noticed my boots and said, “It’s you!”I didn’t know her, but I smiled. She added, “My son was watching the motorcycles as we were driving and he noticed your red boots. As we passed the riders, he exclaimed ‘…and she’s a GIRL, Mom!'”We both laughed and she wanted to know all about motorcycling. In parting, I added, “Please let your son know that I’m a grandmother too!”
Just stumbled upon this site and I am thrilled to have found it. So far, I have enjoyed ALL of the articles.I really love the idea of women rider promotion stickers from WRN.
Hi Grace. We are so glad you found us, too! We are working on promotional stickers and shirts and may have some available soon.Ride on!
My husband and son bought me my first motorcycle for my 40th birthday and little did they know they created a monster. I started on a Suzuki GZ 250, rode that for a few months (husband rode behind me with our bluetooth intercoms on and walked me through the basics; my own private instructor!). Later that winter, I took the Harley-Davidson Academy course (loved it!) and upgraded to a Suzuki M50, an 800cc bike. I’ve been riding that for the past 16 months when I just upgraded to the Suzuki V-Strom 1000XT.Each time, before I upgraded, I rode demos of every style of bike I could get my hands on. I kept a log of the bikes that I test rode and both times, I had a list of 12-15 bikes that I tried.I stayed with the Suzuki family due to how the bike fits me; I’m 5 feet 9 inches, have really long legs and arms but a short torso. Upgraded cruisers like the Indian Scout and Triumph Speedmaster were awesome but too small. The bigger touring bikes fit great but were too heavy for what I wanted. That’s why I ended up with an adventure bike. It’s got enough power to keep up with my husband’s Victory Cross-Country touring bike but is small and nimble so I can commute in traffic easily.I wear as many “girly” colors as possible and have joined an amazing women’s group here in Boise. I highly recommend what I did—demo a bunch of bikes, take a safety course, and join a women’s group if you can. A group of like-minded ladies will accelerate your riding ability quickly, safely and in a manner that is simply fun.
Excellent advice, Rachel! We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Keep on enjoying the ride and spreading the love.
I am the secretary of a co-ed motorcycle club called 317 Ryders MC in Indianapolis, Indiana. I have been riding for five years now and love every second of it.I love it when I am out riding and children wave at me. I hope that I inspire young ladies to want to know more about this new found freedom of riding. My bike is a very distinctive Yamaha R6 once you walk up to it you know a woman rides it.Last year I started organizing my own ride and called it “The Secretary’s Ride” the ride is for women riders only. We took a nice ride to Oliver winery and enjoyed the ambiance and scenery, with the support of my club sisters and women we knew that ride it was a total success! This year we plan to do this ride again in August. I am hoping I get a larger turnout or even get some ladies that I haven’t met yet to participate. This magazine is a great thing to see as a female rider. It encourages me to get out more meet other women riders who have the love for motorcycles like I do. I hope to create more bonds and make more friends this year than ever! Riding for me is not just a hobby it is my lifestyle and I wouldn’t change it for anything!
#6. Nope, Nope, Nope. I’ll keep my short hair and hi-viz, thank you very much. No butterflies or pink (ugh) for me. I’m not sure why the heck I need to tell the world my gender. My bike sure doesn’t care.
Rode a bit when younger and was mostly a passenger and that turned into a couple of bad wrecks so needless to say when hubby started riding about 14 years ago I didn’t last as a passenger. My biggest problem always was that since those wrecks and experience driving a big rig I’m cautious. Which seems to be a problem for riders of both sexes around here, so other than hubby, most don’t want to ride with me. But I kinda enjoy solo, more not that I don’t believe in encouraging others.I like hi-viz, bright colors, not much gear for girls without the girlie curves but I get quality with accent colors if I can. I have had several different bikes and different brands. I do believe that you should always start small, build your confidence and skills, then hop on up to a ride that takes your breath away.I always tell other women if you can balance it between your legs then you can ride it. I also tell them not to let hubby, significant other, or salesman talk you into something you’re not comfortable with.Last year I finally found my dream. The color caught my eye first, then the comfort, and the seal on the deal was the price. I have put more miles on this then I have on all of my others in the last 12 years. And I would do more if work and hubby would let me.I’ve always been a tomboy but I do love it when you get that “that’s a girl” look but I ride with comfort and safety first. I don’t believe that gender matters but if you let the world know that women can ride too we help to increase our numbers. Examples are Dot Robinson and Ann Ferrar and the motorcycling Grandma, Hazel Kolb. Knowing women’s history in the motorcycling world helps you spread the word.
I always dress with my feminine colors but my bike speaks for itself.
I love it when little girls point and wave when they see my bike. I try to wave when traffic and safety allows. And yes, there is a big smile on my face as I think, “yes this could be you someday.”Women riding was not as popular when I was their age and I was told girls don’t ride motorcycles. Thanks Dad for those rides on that Bridgestone up the dirt road and across the fields when I was little and never telling me I couldn’t do something because I am a girl or was too small.I started with a little Yamaha Enduro that my brother and I bought and shared as teens. Didn’t ride again until I was in my late thirties. Then I rode my Kawasaki 454 LTD for a couple summers. A car and a horse accident left me unable to ride for a few years. I went back to riding about three years ago on a Harley 883 Superlow. Now I ride a 2015 Softail Slim and am loving every mile. So, yes, girls do ride motorcycles and yes dreams do come true. So to all the young ones, just go for it!The little girl on my bike is my granddaughter—already obsessed and pretending to ride, just like when I played on my dad’s bike 45 years ago.
A couple of years ago, I pulled up to stop at a traffic light and next to me, waiting to cross, was a father/daughter pair. The daughter looked to be about seven. They looked at me and I heard Dad say, “Look, it’s a girl on that motorcycle!” Right after that my light turned green, but I glanced their way and nodded … inside my full-face helmet, I had a big grin!Mind you, this was on my Yamaha V Star 250, which I highly recommend for (1) not looking like a beginner bike and (2) being lightweight at 323 pounds but fully capable of freeway travel at 70-75mph if you choose. I just recently moved up in the Star family to a 2004 1100 V Star Classic, but have kept my little gal because she is still fun.
Funny you should write this. About a week ago I had two preteen girls stop what they were doing and wave at me last week. I remember thinking “See you on the road in a few years ladies.”
I only discovered this site by accident while looking for advice on possibly purchasing a bike for my wife. At the moment she is not a rider but does pillion with me when we ride together, however I really want my wife to learn to ride so she also enjoys the pleasure I get from riding. I have devoured many of the articles here and intend to show my wife this site as well. Being a rider myself for more than 40 years, I was considering a bike in the 650cc range but after reading this article and several others I am thinking a 250cc bike would be a better option initially. My first step after encouraging her to read some of these articles will be to get her to obtain a learner’s permit and then arrange some riding lessons. It has been hard trying to work out how to encourage my wife’s interest in riding without scaring her off entirely as being “too hard,” and the common sense in this and other articles has given me plenty of “food for thought.”
I’m so glad our articles have been helpful to you. Hopefully they will encourage your wife as well. I’m glad the message of starting out small, on a 250cc motorcycle, came through, as that is what we highly advocate for true beginners.
I’d love to have pink gear available but sadly quality gear does not come in pink … not ever. The closest I’ve found is a pink Schuberth helmet.I love it because little girls love looking at it, and you can tell it is opening the world to them … the idea that girls can ride and that they could even have the pink stuff they may like too. And I love it because sometimes it causes little boys to yell stuff like “Look mommy, it’s a girl.” And yes, that’s actually happened.I always find it interesting that folks complain about only pink gear. None of the major high quality manufacturers make anything in pink. I wish they did!!My coworkers had someone make this reflective Hello Kitty for me.
I’m not sure what you mean by high quality manufacturers. We quantify high quality as gear that is made of a solid abrasion resistant material and includes armor. With that in mind, currently several manufacturers make good quality jackets in pink or pink accents that are abrasion resistant and include armor. – Rukka has the Orbita jacket with pink accents- Scorpion has a pink Verano jacket- Tour Master has the Motive jacket with pink accents reviewed here on WRN– First Gear has the Contour Mesh jacket in pink… just to name a few. Check out Revzilla.com, and do a search using the pink color as a filter. You may be surprised!
I am a new rider at age 48. Took a class, fell in love, got my license, and bought a beautiful used bike (2002 Honda Shadow ACE). I’m building my riding skills and confidence locally for now.Here is my challenge. I’m 5 feet 1 inch, but ride shorter than that because I’m long in the torso and short-legged. My bike is the right height, however, as I ride I slide back on my seat and need to readjust my position constantly. I see Harley makes a Super Reach seat, but I can’t find anything similar for my bike. Any suggestions?I know this issue will have to be fixed before I can comfortably handle longer rides.
Hi Amber,Your motorcycle was made before Harley-Davidson led the way in making a seat that pushes the rider forward in the mid-2000s. Since then the aftermarket industry has responded by also producing their own versions of this type of seat for a lot of motorcycles, but unfortunately, your model since it’s a 2002, is not one of them.Just to cover all our bases, I assume you’ve checked all the seat manufacturer’s websites, yes? If this is really a problem for you, your other options are getting a seat with a backrest—Mustang makes those for your motorcycle—and then positioning it forward to push your forward, or possibly tying some sort of a cushion or lumbar support to the backrest to push you forward. You could also get someone to craft a custom seat for you. A lot of riders resort to this when they want to have a lower seat. You can check out this article on WRN about options for lowering your motorcycle that includes how one rider went about getting her seat customized and resources on how to do that. Good luck.
I took riding classes when I was 50, 51 and 52. I passed each time coming in first once and second the other two times. I didn’t have a bike to practice on so I kept taking the class. My first bike was a Suzuki 800 which was too big, heavy and hard to maneuver for my 5-feet 4-inch 106-pound body but I wanted to plant my feet. The next bike was a Honda 750 and it was too tall and the seat too wide. I had a fall on a tight right turn in city traffic and haven’t been on a bike since. I’m 66 and now weigh 143 pounds, and retired and would like to ride again. My problem is it’s hard to find a good fit without purchasing a bike. I know I can handle a 250cc but I feel that would be too small. It would be great if bike rentals were available. Having access to different styles and power would save time and money when buying a bike. I do miss the feeling of the wind while riding out in the open and hopefully I can get back in the saddle soon.
Vickie,If you have a valid motorcycle license many motorcycle dealerships offer test rides these days. If you find that one does not, visit the next one in your community or a neighboring community.Another good opportunity to test ride a motorcycle is at demo rides at a motorcycle rally. Serious buyers will travel to the rally and spend all their time doing demo rides of all the manufacturer’s they are interested in. The demo rides are free and a great opportunity to try different models in a “follow-the-leader” environment. The best way to find out where a demo ride is in your area is to visit the manufacturer’s website and look for their events for demo rides schedule.
I grew up with motorcycles but just got my own five years ago and rode with a now former fiancé. It’s a Suzuki GZ250. Although it’s a beginner’s bike I love it because it fits me. I think I am now ready for more power. Unfortunately, none of my friends ride so my rides are mainly short and solo, but I love them! I am 64 and plan to retire in two years. I would love to find a riding group before then. My question here is, does the weight of a bigger bike come into play for smaller women. I am 5 feet 2 inches and very slender, but not fragile. Responses welcome.
Janet,Great question. We will post it in our Your Questions Answered section so please check over there to see your question and readers’ responses.
Loved this article. I started riding in 2013 on a Suzuki Boulevard below in hi-vis (as an adrenaline filled beginner I really liked the comfort in knowing I’d be more easily seen) and this spring bought a Yamaha V Star 950 which I’m totally in love with (second picture in the park). Still maintaining both for now! Also changed to a Speed & Strength black and pink/purple mesh armor jacket for a little bit of a girlie and a little cooler. Always wear full face helmet (matches the jacket, somewhat planned and I have to admit it gives me grins), boots, gloves, jeans, the works. If I could find short pants that were armored I’d wear those too.I keep debating those Bohn Kevlar tights I keep seeing advertised for under jeans. I’ve just started mentoring others. I love this pay it forward philosophy! Two hygienists at my dental office took the MSF course in Ohio and I’ve got an old co-worker reaching out for things now that she just got her endorsement. Ride on! Keep the shiny side up!
I want to ride a motorcycle. I weigh 110 pounds. I’m 5 feet 1 inch tall and 64 years old. What do you think? That’s what’s holding me back right now!
Lenetta,We have a plethora of articles that will help you get started in our Beginner’s Guide here that will answer your question and steer you toward your dream of learning to ride a motorcycle. The best place to get started is to take a beginner’s riding course where you’ll be able to learn the basics on a small, entry-level motorcycle under the guided supervision of certified instructors.Good luck!
Flowered bike with hummingbirds plus neon pink arm covers. I get a lot of happy smiles and it’s nice to think I could be inspiring a future woman rider. Thank you for the article.
I like the idea of attracting more women to riding. I’ve had my license for just over two years. I am the only woman rider in our group. I have been very fortunate to have a husband who has encouraged me to ride and has done everything possible to be sure I have the right equipment and bikes. All the men we ride with are all encouraging and helpful. They have accepted me into the group with enthusiasm. I now have a BMW RT 1200 and a Honda CTX 700.I do not like the idea of installing bling or encouraging “sexy” gear to encourage other women to ride. I do like the idea of stickers which are woman focused. I would gladly purchase such stickers from WRN if they were available.Lastly, I would like to see a review of the CTX 700 and the other 700 models from Honda. These bikes are reasonably priced, have low seats and plenty of power. Since getting mine, several guys in the group have bought them in various models.
So nice to see more bikes coming out with lower seat heights and better ergos for all smaller riders. I started out in the “all black all the time crowd”; got custom leathers in really obnoxious bright colors and flowers, and also have hi viz textile. Not so big on the butterflies, but I have lots of friends who like them. Great to have choices, and have to agree that this is a great industry for women. Other than some guys who I am pretty sure are jerks in general, I have not been treated as anything other than a “rider” by other riders or in the industry. I am not a speed demon at all, but I have found it kind of fun to blow by a couple of custom V-twin guys in my full girlie leathers.
As a female rider with more than 30 years in the saddle, I still wonder when the industry will catch on that feminine doesn’t only mean pink, frilly, or blinged. I’m 6 feet 3 inches. I have bumps in my jackets [yep, curves start at the top], and I’d like to have equipment that is more functional and works with my curves. But no, I hate pink, bling, and frilly. It’s not me. I’ve done hundreds of events with kids that have allowed them to be safe around a hot motorcycle, or help mom or dad by asking did you see that bike? It’s a great way to get youngsters in involved in safety, and helps parents get over fears.
I’ve been an MSF instructor for four years and it thrills me every time I can teach both men and women how to ride a motorcycle. I wanted to become an instructor for two reasons: 1) I love to teach, and 2) there are more women who want to ride so there should be more women instructors. Several women have commented that they signed up for one of my classes because I was a female instructor. Learning something new is intimidating and many women question their ability (for various reasons) to handle a motorcycle when they’re first learning. My goal is to calm their nerves/fears, boost their confidence, and help them develop smart riding skills. Do I teach differently because I’m a woman? Maybe. I’d like to think I bring a softer side to a historically male dominated sport. I connect uniquely with my female students because I identify with their fears and reservations (the emotional side of learning) and then encourage them to be confident in their abilities. One of my favorite sayings is, “You need to be just as confident in yourself as I am in you.” And it’s true! To me, it’s about being a mentor to them not only by what I say but how I handle each riding demo. When they see me on the 250 Suzuki and then on my Street Glide after class, it gives them confidence that someday, with practice and determination, they can handle a larger motorcycle. Being a RiderCoach is one of the most rewarding things I do! I’ve been blessed with fantastic students who want to learn the joy of riding. If you’re considering becoming an instructor, contact your local DOT or Safety Council to learn more about it!LisaFullThrottleLiving.com
Awesome! Let’s ride!
I don’t need to flaunt my femininity; it will speak for itself. I don’t do frills and flounce in my day to day clothes, so why would I fluff up my ride? She’s a beauty in her own right! I’ve seen moms pointing me out to their kids and vice versa when I’m out there road waltzing, and it makes me smile, but what makes me smile even more are the increasing number of women riders I encounter every year!I’ve known since I lost the training wheels from my bicycle that it was two wheels for me, and that’s why I ride. If a woman needs to be convinced to get behind those bars, she may come to enjoy it (maybe even come to love it) but it’s this lady rider’s opinion that those who want to be there won’t need to be convinced; she’ll make it happen when she is ready and ask for help if she needs/wants it. After all, there are women out there that are perfectly content being on the back, and that’s okay, too… to each their own.
I couldn’t agree more, Joanne. My point of writing this article was not to try to pursue or convince anyone to ride, rather to offer support and encouragement to those who show an interest.
Kind of lost me on the “accessorize like a girl” thing, for two reasons.First, I don’t think being female means I have to look girly girly doing whatever. I choose gear based on features and performance not on whether it’s cutesy. Second, I’ve had people (aka young males, usually) be jerks to me in traffic when they catch on that I am a girl. Why on earth would I advertise to catch their attention?Encourage other women that have an interest, sure. Make sure you’re still cute and fluffy whilst you do it? No thanks.
All this is good. I understand wanting to encourage women to ride. But no matter the gender no one should be talked into riding. It needs to be their doing or they will never be really good at riding. And I have never been someone that needs to say look at me I’m a woman riding a motorcycle. I don’t look for approval or a pat on the back. You need to be okay with yourself.Everyone has a right to wear whatever they want. But trying to look like a Barbie doll on a Barbie motorcycle is not my thing.
Seriously? I was quite happy with this article until the last page. It’s hard enough to find gear for women that isn’t slapped with pink/purple/flowers all over it and you are telling women riders to just embrace their girly-ness and buy only that kind of stuff. Just buy gear that fits you right and let your hair down and people will know you are a girl, believe me. I happen to like all black gear or gear that will match my bike (lime green). Not all of us want to look the stereotypical pink and flowery female.
I would love to see bikes geared toward women not the other way around. I’m not talking about pink, flowery bikes. I’m talking about fitting the bikes to women and promoting them as such. I have ideas but I don’t know anybody in the business to pass them along to.
Been driving a (shared half-owner with my husband) ’09 Harley-Davidson Tri Glide for 19 months now and love driving the lady. At first I was slightly intimidated by her size, but over a short period of solo riding, grew to be very comfortable on her. Upon my husband retiring, I felt only fair I would have to start leaving the Tri Glide home for his riding pleasure a little more than I would have wanted, so recently remedied that problem with my very own ’16 Freewheeler. This machine is such an agile ride and extremely easy to maneuver. My husband approved of this purchase and likes how it handles. He said it gives as close a feeling to being on two wheels as I could want. (At my age I really never wanted to attempt two wheels.)
I ride a purple Harley-Davidson Softail Classic and I have a purple leather jacket from Harley which I love for the softness and fit. But it’s too hot to wear that in summer, so I wear a white mesh jacket with colorful stripes (sadly, not purple) in warm weather. I wear white instead of black to reduce the solar heat here. In moderate weather I wear a jacket with leopard flames on the bottom. In really cold weather I wear a pink winter jacket. (Yes, I am spoiled for jacket choice!) Modular helmets are my preferred type, and come in fewer colors than other types, so I personalized my silver one by putting stick-on purple gems on the back and chinbar. I got these in the scrapbook section of a craft store. I also have a sticker on my helmet (don’t let it cover the DOT sticker!) indicating I ride my own. I put a Motor Maid sticker on my windshield next to my Yellowstone stickers. I’ve been road captain or sweep for many all- or mostly all-women’s rides. As a sweep I’ve spent time with a new rider who dropped her bike and broke the rear brake lever. I stayed with her until the wrecker got to our location, out in the boonies. Another time I pulled over with a rider with a loose license plate. I then led her on the route to our destination.I go to local Garage Parties to talk to women who don’t ride but want to. I always encourage them to ask me questions about riding and make sure I tell them I’d never been on a motorcycle until I took the class at age 51 and now I’ve ridden more than 65,000 miles in the nine years I’ve had a bike. I also tell them of the spectacular crash I had during the class, but how I went on to finish and pass the course that same afternoon. I want them to know riding doesn’t end if you fall off in the class. I think too many male coaches tell women to drop out if they have a drop or fall. That woman’s confidence can be ruined for all time if that happens. I had two great female coaches who didn’t tell me that. Later, one told me she wasn’t sure I could pass that day but didn’t say so, so I had the determination to go ahead with the test.I love riding and want to share my excitement with others.
This is a great article. I’ve been riding for a little over two years now and I’m usually one of the few or only women riders in my group. I’m also one of the only women around my area that I’ve seen that prefers sportbikes to cruisers. Even among my law enforcement coworkers I’m pretty much the only woman that rides … you get the idea.What I do to stay feminine being “one of the guys” in both law enforcement and the motorcycle world:• I customized both my bikes with hilarious tank pads that both guys and ladies could appreciate. My first bike, the adorable FZ6R, has a tank pad that shows Taz and it says “Me go fast.” The Gixxer 750 has a tank pad that says “3 Speeds: Fast, Really Fast, and Holy S**t.” I found those tank pads hysterical just because of riding sportbikes and I don’t actually ride at breakneck speeds. I get a good laugh every time I look down at them while riding. • A little fun makeup and cute $5 sunglasses go a long way. I usually do fun eye shadow or eyeliner since any other makeup will typically rub off inside my helmet.• I’m a fan of wearing a long French braid—keeps my hair out of the way but still will look cute on rides (for law enforcement, I just do a French braid tuck or bun).• I do sometimes wear my men’s riding suit, the Joe Rocket Survivor Suit, and underneath it I will usually have on a cute t-shirt or tank top. That is a great suit for the wintertime in Maryland! I’d love to see more women ride. Some of my firefighter lady friends are starting to get into riding. It can be hard to get schedules to mesh between hubby being in healthcare, the firefighter schedule, and my schedule. I love reading articles on this site because they are awesome and honest. I learn a lot about riding and dealing with different things. Keep up the good work!
#6. Nope, Nope, Nope. I’ll keep my short hair and hi-viz, thank you very much. No butterflies or pink (ugh) for me. I’m not sure why the heck I need to tell the world my gender. My bike sure doesn’t care.
I think you missed the point, Gail. By showing the “world” that women ride motorcycles, we will not only encourage more women to ride, but we will also reap the rewards of having more motorcycles, products, and services that have been manufactured with women’s specific needs considered. Certainly, keep your short hair and hi-viz. You can still encourage women to ride in plenty of other ways.