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Great things happen in mid-life, like learning to ride a motorcycle.
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I’ve liked motorcycles since I was a young girl and have always been connected to riders. My brothers had motorcycles and would take me for rides. My boyfriend in high school raced dirt bikes and I enjoyed watching him race and always wished I could learn to ride even a small dirt bike. But throughout my life I was always told by my parents and partners how dangerous motorcycles were, therefore wasn’t “allowed” to learn how to ride, much less own a motorcycle.

My life took a turn for the good in 2014 during a conversation with some coworkers who ride motorcycles. I loved hearing about their rides and the idea of being able to go out on the road and feel the wind in my face and mentally unwind as the road took me to various destinations. I started picturing myself on a motorcycle, but I was leery about learning to ride, especially when all the naysayers around me told me nothing but horror stories about riding motorcycles.
my focus coming up to a corner.”
I shared my hesitations with one of my coworkers, who happened to be a MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) RiderCoach. She said the best way to be introduced to a motorcycle was to take the MSF’s BasicRider course. SoI looked into some of the local courses and signed up that very day. The anticipation was overwhelming, but I was anxious to get on a bike and learn to ride safely and experience what my riding friends had been talking about.

The first day of class was spent in a classroom with a textbook and videos. I couldn’t wait for the next day when we would actually get on the motorcycles. But before we could get on the bikes, we had to pass a written test. I passed with a perfect score, which fueled my excitement for getting on a motorcycle.The next morning we met on the range (where the riding portion of the class takes place), and as we were told to go pick out a bike, I started to get a little apprehensive.I’m a petite, 115-pound woman at 5 feet 3 inches tall, and I was a little nervous about whether I would be able to hold up a motorcycle. But as we got acquainted with our 250s, I was surprised at how easy it was to manage the bike.
The class took us through a variety of steps, like starting, stopping, cornering, and avoidance maneuvers.I had a great time and learned a lot of respect for the motorcycle and for what riders have to be aware of when out on the street. I passed the course and had a greater sense of accomplishment and confidence in myself, which was what I needed.
Once I had my motorcycle endorsement I was anxious to get a bike. I sat on many motorcycles but didn’t have a clue about what would work for me. I had great guidance from my friend but I was told that I had to feel comfortable. I really liked cruisers, but they felt a little big and bulky so I sat on some sportbikes, which were a little more to my liking.

I was so excited the day my Honda was delivered to my house that even despite some strong winds, I took it out for its first ride. I couldn’t get the grin off my face for several days. I continued to ride around my neighborhood to get more comfortable with starting, stopping, and parking. There was just one small issue. The bike was a little tall and I couldn’t put my feet flat on the ground. This was a little unnerving at every stop, so with the guidance of a knowledgeable friend, I ordered a lowering kit and got help modifying the CBR. What a difference an inch-and-a-half makes, especially in my confidence level. Excess fear and a lack of confidence does not make for fun riding.

I’m looking forward to my first long trip from Arizona to Colorado soon. I need to add a few accessories to my motorcycle that will make the trip a little more bearable, like a larger windshield to deflect the wind and saddlebags to carry more gear. Having a motorcycle can be costly when you start adding accessories, but it’s worth it to be comfortable and enjoy the ride. Who knows. Maybe down the road I’ll consider buying a cruiser, but for now I’m having a great time with my sportbike.

I own the exact same bike and love it! You made a wise choice.
I own a sportbike and I absolutely love it! I started out on a Suzuki TU250X last year, which was a great starter bike but just didn’t have much power. This spring I bought a Yamaha R3, and it’s perfect for me. It’s light, has more of an upright seating position compared to other sportbikes, is relatively easy to maneuver, and has plenty of power to keep up with my significant other’s Suzuki V-Strom 1000. Like they say in the MSF course, ride your own ride. Choose a bike that feels right to you. Don’t waste time trying to ride a bike that’s too big, too heavy, or just isn’t comfortable for you!
What a great story. I love hearing about people who are still riding, or as in this case, start riding later in life. It’s all about the freedom and the lifestyle of biking, not the speed.
I loved reading this article and everyone’s comments. I took the class in June 2014. I passed and loved it. My mistake was buying the wrong bike that I still have and am still afraid to ride — a 1999 Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200. I was talked into buying it and wish I hadn’t. It’s a beautiful bike but is too heavy for me. I’ve tried to sell the bike but no luck. I need to buy a much smaller bike that I feel comfortable on. But I’ll have to sell this Sportster first. Looks like I’ll have to take a huge loss just to sell it if I want to ride. And I do want to ride. You ladies are awesome for making the first right decision on your first purchase. Wish me luck and keep riding ladies. Have a blessed day.
Awesome story! Ride on! I totally relate with this story. I am 5 feet 2 inches and weigh 95 pounds. With such a great desire to ride, you should seek out a bike that you will feel most comfortable on. This is a personal decision because no matter your size, you could take on just about any bike, but each person has his/her own comfort level. I ride a Ninja 300. So far, it is the sportbike that suits me best.
I loved reading your article because this was pretty much me to a “T” when I first got into riding almost two years ago. I sat on many Harleys because my husband owns a Sportster 883 SuperLow and thought I would get one.Then I discovered sportbikes walking into a shop one day, and they just felt more natural for me to pick up. I ended up with a Yamaha FZ6R that I still have and love to this day. It’s been a great first bike—very tolerant of my many new rider mistakes, and fun. Maybe down the road I might get a cruiser, but I love what the sportbike world has to offer. I also used to train horses, and I trained jumpers, so the sportbike riding position feels more natural to me.Your bike is beautiful—I love the colors! Attached is a picture of my bike with a Zero Gravity Double Bubble windscreen installed.
Enjoyed the article! Every potential rider faces the dilemma of which bike to start riding. After years of being asked that question, my response is pretty much the same: start with one you feel confident and comfortable on. For most of us, a 250-500 is almost ideal. Molly’s article is one I will share now with any who ask about beginning to ride.
Thanks for sharing our article Keith!
So glad to hear that you sat on bikes of different kinds and decided on what felt right to you. So many times I have had discussions with men that said they were going to buy a bike for their spouse or girlfriend. I always tell them to have their wife or girlfriend pick out what feels right to them. Guys have a total different perspective than most of us women.As you get more riding time in you will decide down the road if you want something different. I am also a member of the Star Riding group in our area. It is nice to have a riding club that is not brand specific to be a part of. Enjoy and safe riding!