Touring & Adventure

Review: Sierra Designs Sleeping Bag for Motorcycle Camping

Having had my fill of setting up and packing bulky tents, and shivering through cold nights, I avoided camping with my motorcycle for many years. But motorcycle camping has come a long way thanks to all the new innovations in lightweight gear. Check out this review of Sierra Design’s Eleanor 19 sleeping bag, designed for women, and small and compact for motorcyclists.

Review: Sierra Designs Sleeping Bag for Motorcycle Camping

Review With Video: Thermarest LuxuryLite UltraLite Cot for Motorcycle Camping

If any single article has revolutionized my camping experience, it’s Thermarest’s LuxuryLite UltraLite Cot. I could not have predicted what a difference it made in how soundly I slept, how well rested I felt, or how much easier it was to get up!

Review With Video: Thermarest LuxuryLite UltraLite Cot for Motorcycle Camping

A New Riders First Overnight Solo Motorcycle Trip

This year was a year of firsts; my first over-5,000 mile ride on Bruno, a 2014 Ducati Monster 696, and my first presentation at the 2014 Overland Expo East in Asheville, North Carolina. I’ve only been riding for two years and to have these two things accomplished on my second year of riding seems almost cosmic.

A New Riders First Overnight Solo Motorcycle Trip

Be Inspired! One Riders Epic Motorcycle Journey Across the U.S, with Video!

What happens when you leave a long career in executive management and realize a lifelong dream? A lot! Gary France hopped on his Harley-Davidson Road King and rode, month after month after month until he traveled through 27 states. He came away a changed person and he wrote an incredible book about it. Check out the stunning photos!

Be Inspired! One Riders Epic Motorcycle Journey Across the U.S, with Video!

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