Rallies & Events

June 2024 Two-Week Women’s Ride Focuses on Music and Motorcycles

Women, Motorcycles, and Music. This is the theme for the second organized event of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America’s (AMCA) first woman-focused group, the Riveters. Following the success of the group’s Chix on 66 ride, Chix on the Crossroads participants will follow a Southern route that highlights American musical heritage. Registration is now open!

June 2024 Two-Week Women’s Ride Focuses on Music and Motorcycles

2023 Harley-Davidson Models and News: Nightster Special and Road Glide 3 Trike

Celebrating 120 years of production, Harley-Davidson kicks off 2023 by introducing special colors, anniversary badging, new models, and news about the big party in Milwaukee.

2023 Harley-Davidson Models and News: Nightster Special and Road Glide 3 Trike

Organizing a Successful Large-Scale Women’s Motorcycle Tour

Want to organize and participate in a multi-day motorcycle ride with a large group, but don’t know where to start? Chix on 66 organizer Karan Andrea shares how she made her dream of riding her vintage motorcycle on Route 66 go from a motorcycle tour with a friend to an epic all-women’s group ride.

Organizing a Successful Large-Scale Women’s Motorcycle Tour

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