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Backroads With Betsy: Hobnobbing with Celebrity Riders

Spring has sprung. Love is in the air. And finally, bikes are everywhere! The economy may be suffering, the motorcycle industry may be feeling the effects, but the simple pleasure of riding a motorcycle has always been an economical mode of travel and entertainment. And when the stress of the world piles up along with the unpaid bills, what better therapy, or break from the madness, is there than riding on sunny spring days in the local hills?

Backroads With Betsy: Hobnobbing with Celebrity Riders

Reader Story: Invasion of the Brits

Two years ago, I was leading a motorcycle tour for my womens riding group, Dangerous Curves, to Lake Tahoe and one of the women asked me why I wasnt doing this as a business venture. The idea kind of took me aback however, I thought, why not? The end result birthed NorthStar Moto Tours. This is the story about our last tour of 2008 and the wonderful experiences and camaraderie gained through motor touring.

Reader Story: Invasion of the Brits

MOTORCYCLE REVIEW: Honda Silver Wing, the Touring Scooter

My friends thought I was crazy when I told them I was going to ride a scooter to Las Vegas to attend my first scooter rally. “That will take forever!” and “You wont be able to take any stuff with you!” and “Youll get blown all over the road!” they said. Honda proves them all wrong with the Silver Wing rightfully touting it as a touring machine that just happens to be a scooter.

MOTORCYCLE REVIEW: Honda Silver Wing, the Touring Scooter

WRN Test Rides the Honda Silver Wing

Three hundred miles on a touring motorcycle is a pleasant day of riding, but what if those 300 miles were ridden on a scooter? Most scooters are designed for around town scooting, not long-haul travel at highway speed for hours on end. WRN contributor Sarah Shilke test rode the Honda Silver Wing, a 600cc maxi-scooter, from Los Angeles, to Las Vegas, Nevada.

WRN Test Rides the Honda Silver Wing

WRN Connects You With Other Riders

Whether youre a frequent visitor to, or are just checking us out for the first time, you owe it to yourself to visit the link called Connect With Others. If youve not visited it lately, we just posted a whole bunch of new letters from riders all over the U.S. and Canada who are either looking for a riding buddy or seeking some riding advice.

WRN Connects You With Other Riders

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