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I was lucky enough to take a cross-country motorcycle trip from my home near Boston, Massachusetts, to Portland, Oregon, and back. I rode 7,185 miles in 15 days. It was a lot of miles in a short amount of time but Im so glad I did it.
I dream of traveling on my motorcycle, and know that there are more travels in my future. I really dont aspire to much. In fact, Ive wondered if I am an underachiever in life, at least my financial life. The only thing I want to live for is to have no regrets. I dont want to regret not doing something I had the chance to do. I want to take every adventure that comes my way.
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I started riding motorcycles when I was 18 years old on a 1984 Yamaha Special 400. I obtained my permit and rode to and from my summer job. The bike’s engine barely lasted the season, and I vowed to get another motorcycle one day.
I forgot about the thrill of motorcycles until I found the freedom of being single again. I enjoyed local adventures, new hobbies, and new passions, all the while I was telling people that I’d get a motorcycle when I’m in my 50s. I didn’t want to worry my mother or family. But I just knew that I would harbor regret if I didn’t act on something I wanted in my life.
So at the age of 35, I took the MSF Beginner RiderCourse and got my license. Half my class were women, which was notable. And I was the only one in my whole class to receive a perfect score on our final road test! I proudly purchased a 2007 Yamaha FZ6 and began commuting to work. It saved me about $80 in gas the first month.

I was hooked. I became obsessed with motorcycles. So last winter found me on YouTube watching motovlogs and motorcycle adventures. I printed out a giant map of America and put it up on my bedroom wall. I would pursue my dream to take a solo road trip across the country, lasting a month or more. I figured I would have to plan and save to make this trip possible.
As fate would have it, I met a seasoned rider in the early Spring. We became fast friends after meeting at a local pub. He had crossed the country 13 times by motorbike, typically on a Suzuki GS 850, and he was planning to do it again in late August. I ended up joining him on his 14th ride.

I traded my FZ6 for a Yamaha V Star 950 before the season began. I was drooling over adventure bikes all winter long, but ended up going with a cruiser. I still want one of everything. I’d like a cruiser, sport bike, and dual-sport to start with. But my pretty little cruiser ended up being super cheap, very good looking, and comfortable enough to ride for a bit. I actually put 14,000 miles on her this past year. Her name is Rosalita.
I didn’t commit to the trip with my friend until three days prior to his departure. When a job interview, four days prior, did not meet my expectations I knew I would regret not taking this motorcycle trip if I didn’t go.
The longest ride I had done before this was about 155 miles in one direction. I didn’t think my butt could handle 500 miles a day. However, I was gradually prepping my bike to make sure it was in tip top condition just in case I took this cross country ride.

Now, this was not the trip I dreamed about last winter—my romantic notion of a single woman’s voyage across America. We didn’t exactly have time to stop and smell the roses. In fact, at one point I told my partner, “I’m ridin’ like it’s my job!”
So, would I do it again? Well, yes. Though it wasn’t exactly an Iron Butt ride, it was a lot of time in the saddle. I actually ended up duct-taping my camping pillow and towel to my seat after about 4,200 miles. It would be nice to travel 300-mile days and see some sights. On the other hand, time is money. Now that I know how to make mincemeat out of miles, the sky’s the limit. I see many different types of motorcycle travels in my future.

I want to live life with no regrets. And I know that I can look back on this time in my life and say I had an epic riding season. Now, with snow on the ground and a whole new year to look forward to, I’m doing the same thing I did last winter—dreaming of my next big ride. And, maybe I’ll take that big ski trip up north this year, the one I kind of regret not taking last year.
Do you have a story to share? Please send it to us, but follow these submission guidelines.
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Congratulations on your adventure and achieving goals. What a whirl-wind trip. We got out to the Oregon/Northern California coast last June. More days, less miles, with a few days of “this is a job” feeling too! But the sights, people, and memories are phenomenal. We just did our first day ride yesterday after a long, unusual winter in Virginia. Each ride solidifies that I want to continue to ride, do long trips, live also without regrets.Thanks for sharing your story! You’ve got me thinking about the “next big ride” this year!
Thank you Aimee for sharing your story, and love the pic with all your toys. Neat to read about your big goal, then to see how you still achieved it with some adjustments and variations as life progressed—have a plan but go with the flow!So far my farthest ride is 100 km, one way up the “Malahat,” and then I took the little ferry home as that was enough for one day. This is my third year riding and my baby step this summer is an overnight trip on my Honda Rebel. My total riding mileage to date is 3200 km over the three years so I was wowed by your total distance on your two weeks. Time for me to get more butt time in the saddle! Maybe I’ll extend my summer trip to two nights?Have fun planning your next no-regrets adventure, Aimee.
Love it! I too enjoy my Wrangler and my motorcycle (Indian Chief Classic). Your life style is right up my alley. Enjoy the rest of your adventures.