Your Stories

We would love to share your motorcycling story. Find out how to submit here

Reader Story: Taking the Wheel, in Life and on the Road

Challenging myself mentally and physically has always been important to me. Over the years, my interests have included barrel racing, golf, skydiving, triathlons and half marathons. While working full-time and raising my daughter as a single mother, I obtained my master’s degree in health-care administration. I’ve just never believed in being a spectator in life.

Reader Story: Taking the Wheel, in Life and on the Road

Reader Story: Her Mean Streak Makes It Happen

I understand why it’s hard to explain the life-changing experience of riding to people that haven’t even been on the back of a bike. I used to be that woman. In 1995, I had my first ride on the back of a friend’s sportbike, going 110 down I-5 north of San Diego—definitely a thrill. A month later, a stranger took me for a short spin on his Harley, and I loved the rumble beneath my thighs.

Reader Story: Her Mean Streak Makes It Happen

Reader Story: Why I Ride a Motorcycle

There are two types of women who commandeer their own motorcycles, the pulp celluloid fantasy: buxom, cigarette wielding, bad ass babes, or the ones in reality: large and in charge, could kick my ass 10 ways to Tuesday and appear to patronize the same barber as my father. I am neither of these. I am your typical aspiring adult: urban-living, liberal arts diploma-wielding, edgy preppy-wearing, considering a dog getting-female in her early 30s.

Reader Story: Why I Ride a Motorcycle

Reader Story: Father-Daughter Bonding Through Motorcycling

“All set?” The sound of my fathers voice was muffled against the angry roar of his Honda Magna 750cc V4. Its a question Ive heard thousands of times before. I flashed a thumbs-up, my heart picking up speed as his foot pounded against the kickstand and his right hand twisted the throttle. We set off into a whole new world, a journey of the mind and soul as well as on the road itself.

Reader Story: Father-Daughter Bonding Through Motorcycling

Reader Story: The Best Reason to Ride

I dont ride a motorcycle to build or create an identity for myself. I am who I am whether I ride or not. I dont ride to prove that women are strong, brave and adventurous enough to ride motorcycles. I was those things before I began to ride and I think most women are, whether they like motorcycles or not (and still, the bravest, most challenging thing Ive ever done is raise kids!).

Reader Story: The Best Reason to Ride

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