Happy New Year! We at Women Riders Now (WRN) are extra-excited about the year ahead as we continue to celebrate more than 20 years of reporting on all things related to women in motorcycling. We asked our founder, Genevieve Schmitt, staff, and leadership board to look back on motorcycling in the past year and give us an idea of what we can look forward to in 2020.
WRN Leadership Board Co-Chairwomen Erin Sills and Sarah Schilke are undoubtedly pumped about breaking records and leading this website toward new heights. Board members Robyn Kocienski, Porche Taylor, and Alisa Clickenger are all excited about a number of great women’s motorcycle tours and events including Alisas Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride (SCMR2020), which will include a series of all-women rides that begin from all corners of the U.S., converging in Washington, D.C., in late August. Get more details and register now at CentennialRide.com.
Now, heres our roundup of more cool ride plans for 2020 and fun memories from 2019. Be sure to share your favorites with WRN readers in the comments section below.
What is your motorcycle-related resolution for 2020?
Erin SillsContinue to make WRN the best resource for female motorcycle riders and those inspired by them.
Sarah SchilkeI plan to ride in a country where I haven’t been before, or maybe just Harleys in Hawaii!
Robyn KocienskiTo invest in at least one rider training course to improve my skills.

Porche TaylorTo #RideEverything. I want to do one track day, one day in the dirt, one international ride, and one cross country epic ride.
Alisa ClickengerTo make The Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride (SCMR2020) the best event I can possibly make it for the riders.
Tricia SzulewskiI plan to take more short motorcycle rides strictly for pleasure to break up the work day…and what Erin said!
Genevieve SchmittRide more and work less.
What are some of your top moto-related moments from 2019?
Erin Sills
- Joining the Women Riders World Relay (WRWR) in Salt Lake City, carrying the WRWR baton to the Bonneville Salt Flats, and sharing my love of land speed racing with my WRWR friends while on the Salt
- Setting a new world record of 239 mph with a top speed of 242 mph with my land speed racing team

- Launching the new leadership of Women Riders Now at the AIMExpo with my friends Sarah, Tricia, Bella, and Genevieve
Sarah Schilke
- Being named at the WRN Leadership Board Co-Chairwoman and representing WRN at AIMExpo and IMS shows with the rest of the team
- Meeting Hayley Bell and the WRWR riders (and pretty excited about her being named the AMA Motorcyclist of the Year, too)
- Spending New Year’s Day 2019 riding a beautiful perfect mountain road in Colombia
Robyn Kocienski
- My first time attending Dust 2 Dawson, an adventure motorcyclist event in the Yukon Territory

- Guiding MotoQuest Women’s Alaska Motorcycle Tour. This is a highlight for me every summer. I get one week to run wild and free with like-minded women around the state of Alaska, and we tend to get very silly
- Riding in Europe: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. The urban, rural, coastal, and island riding all exceeded my expectations
Porche Taylor
- Riding from the U.S. into Mexico for International Female Ride Day
- Leading 240 women in New Orleans on a ride to Essence Fest
- Riding in the Women Riders World Relay (WRWR) from Maine to Mexico
Alisa Clickenger
- Publishing my first book about how to use motorcycling to teach us to be confident in all areas of our lives
- Opening up registration for the SCMR2020
- Being named as both a Dealernews Top 100 Leader in Powersports and to the WRN Leadership board
- Finally having the chance to ride in Morocco and Portugal, two places on my “must ride” list for a long time
Tricia Szulewski
- Riding my own motorcycle from my home in Connecticut to Deal’s Gap to attend the Women’s Sportbike Rally East for the first time. It was one of the best women’s motorcycle events I’ve ever participated in. The camaraderie and spirit of the event was everything I love about motorcycling.

- Spending a long weekend moto camping in Pennsylvania with my moto family; my wife, dad, uncle, cousin, and my cousin’s kids who all ride their own motorcycles
- The announcement of WRN’s new leadership board; I am so lucky to be working with several of my favorite female motorcycle industry experts
Genevieve Schmitt
- My top motorcycle related moment from 2019 was receiving the 2019 Bessie Stringfield Award from the American Motorcyclist Association. It was a highlight of my 30-year journalism career, most of which was serving the female motorcycle community through the website I founded, WomenRidersNow.com.
- Excited that WRN is now being led by a new leadership team of women Ive admired and respected for a long time.
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What are a few moto-related things that get you excited about 2020?
Erin Sills
- Joining the Suffragists ride (SCMR2020) from San Francisco to Washington, D.C.
- Racing on the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia with a goal of over 250 mph
- Coaching the full summer schedule at BMW RawHyde’s Off-road Adventure Training Academy in Colorado
Sarah Schilke
- Helping with the Portland segment of the Suffragists ride (SCMR2020) and attending the grand finale in Washington, D.C.
- Keeping the momentum going with WRN as we work with the leadership board and contributors to make continued updates
- Using my new moto backpack/tote bag from MotoChic
Robyn Kocienski
- Improving my riding skills and practicing those skills…perhaps on a stellar international vacation
- Meeting more adventurous riders in Alaska this summer on the road and at the MotoQuest rental shop in Anchorage
Porche Taylor
- I’m excited about working with the Women Riders Now board
- Riding on the SCMR2020
- Returning to Essence Fest
- Honoring women riders at the Beautiful Bikers Conference
Alisa Clickenger
- Finally getting to deliver the SCMR2020
- The plethora of new bikes and new technology for 2020
- Beginning training for a rally in 2021
Tricia Szulewski
- Riding with lots of women motorcyclists on the SCMR2020
- Training more riders at the MSF training site I manage in Connecticut, and planting the seeds that lead to great future RiderCoaches

- Mentoring more riders and RiderCoaches
- Keeping a close eye on the expansion of the AllKidsBike program which is on a mission to teach every kid how to ride a bike in PE class—WRN will be customizing a Strider bike that will be displayed at the Buffalo Chip during Sturgis Bike Week for the Flying Piston benefit

Genevieve Schmitt
- I’m getting excited about meeting and riding with more women motorcyclists this year through various events like the Biker Belles at Sturgis, the SCMR2020, and other female focused motorcycle rides that come up

- Wearing and testing out my new UglyBros Kevlar jeans I ordered after riding season but have yet to wear on my motorcycle
- Wearing and showing off a new pair of knee-high vintage brown leather riding boots from Freebird
Now it’s your turn. What are your favorite moto moments from 2019? What are you looking forward to in 2020? Share your dreams and memories with other readers by using the comments section below. And don’t forget to show us some photos!
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