Exciting industry news and product announcements always attract media attention at the annual motorcycle trade show and this year Women Riders Now (WRN) both creates and reports on the buzz. The seventh annual American International Expo (AIMExpo) was held September 26–29 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Ohio, and we were hot on the scene.
Thanks to all the women who voted for the Women Riders Now booth at 2019 AIMExpo to be “Best Representation of Female Riders.” Erin was so excited she did a headstand! From left to right: Tricia Szulewski, Editor; Sarah Schilke, Co-Chair Leadership Board; Erin Sills, Co-Chair Leadership Board; Isabella Merjanian, Social Media Editor.
The annual motorsports trade show is open to the public on Saturday and Sunday and caters to all kinds of two-, three-, and four-wheeled machines. Demo bike fleets were in the outdoor space behind the Greater Columbus Convention Center and herds of Harleys, Indians, Hondas, Kawasakis and Yamahas could be seen zipping through the city.WRN Founder Genevieve Schmitt stands beside Joe Jorgenson from Robintek who helps with IT support for WRN, and Erin, Sarah, and Tricia after receiving the AMA Bessie Stringfield Award. The honor recognizes her efforts to introduce motorcycling to new or underserved markets.
Women Riders World Relay
WRN welcomed the amazing women participating in the Women Riders World Relay as they brought the ride to America with a stop at the AIMExpo. The relay started back in February and has already crossed 53 countries throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. WRN raised a glass with them to celebrate inspirational female riders when the group arrived at the AIMExpo.
The WRWR ladies (plus one man and two Corgis) had just ridden to Columbus, Ohio, from Fishkill, New York, a 574-mile ride.WRN staff was ready at our booth to welcome the women with bagels and mimosas. From left: Liza Miller (WRWR North America Ride Leader), Jamie Brinkerhoff (WRWR rider), Erin Sills (WRN Leadership Board Co-Chair), Karen Warden (WRWR rider), Sarah Schilke (WRN Leadership Board Co-Chair).
The WRWR continues the journey to the West Coast before heading south to Mexico and through the rest of the 81 planned countries as they raise awareness to the industry of the importance of the female market. WRN is providing monthly updates on the relay in our newsletter which you can subscribe to here, and you can follow them @womenridersworldrelay. Check out these incredible women who are showing the world what female riders can do!
Two more VIPs of women in motorcycling: Jan Plessner, longtime motorcycle industry veteran and owner of her own powersports recruiting agency, and Alisa Clickenger, journalist, author, and now WRN Leadership Board member, visited the WRN booth. Alisa was on-hand for the first day to autograph copies of her new book, “Boost Your Confidence Through Motorcycling.”Meeting WRN readers is what our booth was all about. Here, WRN’s Genevieve and Isabella welcome Chrome Diva RC members Cupcake and Cherry. Find out more about the Chrome Divas here in our listing of women’s motorcycle clubs.
Congratulations to Women’s Favorites at AIMExpo!
WRN provided surveys to all the women who stopped by our booth, including the WRWR attendees, to choose their favorites in 13 categories at the AIMExpo this year. We were very pleased with some of the results, disappointed in others. Unfortunately, there were several “epic fails,” in two major categories that are important to women; Best Boots for Women and Best Gloves for Women. Sadly, there just weren’t any other than the “unisex” versions we were offered as a consolation. Hopefully, the hordes of women storming booths in search of the women-specific items serves as a wakeup call to these vendors.
On behalf of WRN, Liza Miller from the WRWR presents California Heats John, Dawn, and Jenn with the award for “Best Cold Weather Product” at AIMExpo 2019. Erin presents Richard Storino of AGVSport with the award for “Best Jackets for Women.” We were impressed with the variety and amount of womens jackets the company brought to AIMExpo.
WRN will feature all the winners with more in-depth coverage next month, and plan full product reviews soon. Here’s how the women voted:
Best Safety Item inView wireless turn signal and brake light, ThirdEyeDesignInc.com
Best Jackets for Women AGVSport, GearHousePros.com
Best Product for Pillions Cardo Freedom 1+ communication system, CardoSystems.com
Best New Technology Novus Radar Technologies motorcycle blind spot detection kit, Motorcycleblindspot.com
Must-Have Tool or Gadget SportBike Chic Tank Purse, SportBikeChic.com
Best Hot-Weather Product Wild Ass seat cushion, Wild-Ass.com
Best Product for the Vertically Challenged Can-Am Ryker, Can-Am.brp.com
Best Representation of Female Riders Women Riders Now, WomenRidersNow.com
Gas Tank Mentorship
The MIC “Gas Tank” program provided powersports professionals an opportunity to present their business plan for a new powersports-related innovation, product, or service in front of influential industry business leaders at the AIMExpo. Many of the entrants were female-owned companies. Gas Tank applicants are paired with a powersports industry mentor in order to prepare or further develop their business plan and presentation. Participants gain insight, feedback, visibility and industry connections.
The five groups of the MIC Gas Tank Mentorship program included (left to right) Paul and MaryAnn from Gearhead Zone drive chain cleaning and lubrication with mentor Nicole Allen of Akrapovic; Anya Violet with mentor Eric Anderson of Vroom Network for Atwyld (women’s motorcycle apparel); Alexis Dudley with Tim Calhoun of Helmet House for Flying Duchess (women’s motorcycle jackets); Guillermo Cornejo with mentor Scott Hardin of Harden Off-Road for Riders Share (motorcycle rent and share); and Nancy Gerloff and Mark Augustyn with mentor Frank Esposito for Mimi and Moto (children’s books).We couldn’t be more excited for winners Nancy Gerloff and Mark Augustyn, who also won for “Best Off-The-Bike Product” in our AIMExpo survey for their Mimi and Moto childrens books. Their mentor, Frank Esposito (middle) is widely known for leading motorsports companies such as Scorpion Sports and Kendon Trailer Co. to success and has served on the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) Board of Directors.
New Products for Women and Men
This year’s AIMExpo featured new motorcycles and products for everyone. Most of the manufacturers were there with their newest and sometimes customized bikes including Harley’s electric LiveWire, which “whirred” up frequently throughout the weekend. There was plenty of riding apparel and accessories for your bike, everything from communications systems, exhaust pipes, and chemicals to luggage and racks. Attendees were also able to watch knowledgeable presenters give talks on riding and touring skills, proper riding gear fit, and basic bike maintenance.
Harley-Davidson’s new electric-powered motorcycle, LiveWire, got plenty of attention. Here it is perched on rollers that allows anyone to get on, twist the throttle, and feel the exhilaration.Kurt Asplindh from Clearwater Lights stands beside its display featuring BMW GS Trophy Challenger Jocelin Snow. Not only does Clearwater portray women positively on its marketing banner, but all of its top-quality LED lights on display are named after women! WRN was rooting for Clearwater in the category that WRN ultimately won.Amy Kern catches our attention when she tries on the Can-Am Ryker for size. Exclaiming, “Now this I can ride!” to her friends validated the award later presented to Can-Am for “Best Product for Vertically-Challenged.”There’s no question that many women riders love to show their feminine style while riding, and these pink graphic helmets from Fulmer top off the ensemble.Nelson Rigg is now offering this new tail bag to carry your pet on your motorcycle. This unique design allows the pet to experience even more of the wind in its paws.There were a remarkable number of electric bicycles, mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles at the show this year indicating an increase in e-mobility popularity.We were excited to see lots of kids at the show and hope exposure at the AIMExpo and other motorcycle events will help inspire the next generation of riders.And while they are working their way up to gas or electric-powered motorcycles, kids can learn balance and steering basics on one of these from Harley-Davidson.