I recently attended the V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati where manufacturers showcase their new products to motorcycle dealers hoping the dealers will buy them to sell to us. Here are some products I found that I think you should know about.
Lets get this party started with the cutest guy I ran into at the V-Twin Show, Johnny from Hogswipe.

Whats Hogswipe, you ask? And is it Hogs Wipe or Hog Swipe? Its a play on words, but Im guessing Hogs Wipe because they are cloths that clean your hog motorcycle, that is. Johnny let me choose a Hogswipe for myself. I picked my favorite color, brown, to match my motorcycle. The clothes are a soft, thick-ply microfiber used for wiping dust and other stuff off your bike. Johnny showed me how they can be a fashion statement hanging from a carabineer on your pants pocket. Here we are!

To learn more about the fashionable Hogswipe, visit Hogswipes Web site.To read our story on Hogswipe products, click here.
CycleVisions Air Cleaner
Now lets meet the prettiest women I saw at the show, Hillary and her friend (sorry I forgot her name) from CycleVisions. (Hillary is the hot babe riding in the CycleVisions ad running on the right side of every page on WRN. If you dont see the ad, refresh your browser a few times until it appears.)

CycleVisions makes much more than custom air cleaners. Theres lots of fun, just gotta-have-it doo-dads for all models of Harleys. Visit CycleVisions.com.
Garage Organizer
If youre like me, you appreciate when things are neat and organized and that goes for the garage. Heres one of the smartest inventions Ive come across in years.

Its a motorcycle accessories storage system from Thunder Creek Customs. The mounts are designed to accept a variety of accessories. The picture says it all. To learn more, visit ThunderCreeekCustoms.com.
A Floorboard Shifter
This is quite innovative – a gadget that turns a floorboard into a shifter eliminating the need for the shifter peg. You tap your toe on the top part of the floorboard to shift gears.

Rocker Boards is one of those products Id have to try out to recommend it. Like what happens if you press your foot down accidently on the floorboard and shift or brake unintentionally? Im sure the inventors have thought of that. If it looks interesting to you, you can learn more at BriggsMade.com.
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Editors Blog: New Site CycleVisions
Howdy!! Genevieve, Laura & All the Fine Folks At WRN who make it all happen-
Good Ol' HG here, Hogswipe AMB@$$ador, and I jus' wanna say “THANK YOU, THANK YOU & THANK YOU from the… “Bottom Of Our Bottom” fer all yer Genuine Graciousness, Warm Karma, & of course, the Fant@$$tic Article we've been “P@$$in' 'round the hole” down here in the Land O' Hogswipe!
We are proud ta be a part of yer fold!
& Heck- I gotta admit- if I had eyes in the back of my @$$… I'da probably fell fer 'Ol Johnny Hogswipe myself! (HA!)
Peace, Love & Hogswipe!!!
Good Ol' HG
Normally, we'd clean up all the characters and slang in emails that come in like this, but if you know Scotty from Hogswipe, the writer of this letter, this is how he communicates, so I'm leaving this posting alone — so you get a taste of the character that is Good Ol' HG.
Hey Genevieve,
It was great running into you at the expo. I just wanted to send a little shout out to ya. Loved the article and thanks again.