Women and motorcycle clubs just seem to go together. So do women and the color pink—at least for some.
No Drama, Just Riding
We are a group of friends that love to ride. We ride, eat, shop, and have a ball together. We vary in riding experience, but we ride side-by-side down the Texas highways as if weve been riding all our lives together. We all have jobs and families, but make time to be with one another as much as possible. No drama, just riding.
Melody Brickle
Fort Worth, Texas
More Riding, No Drama
I too belong to a cool group of women who ride. We have fun doing charity benefits for nonprofit organizations. Our group is called Wind, Women n Wheels, also know as the Dubya3. I started riding bikes about five-and-a-half years ago. Riding gives me a freedom and sanity I cannot get from anything else. I always tell my friends riding is what keeps me sane.

Millie Eskew
Greenville, South Carolina
Pretty in Pink
We bought this bike in need of some TLC. Since we were fixing it up anyway, I “forced” my hubby to paint it pink. Initially he fought me, saying his paint gun wouldnt spray pink, but a friend of ours told him a bike should be customized to the owner as much as possible, and since painting it pink was a possible customization for me, my hubby agreed. Its definitely one of a kind.
I learned to ride (after the MSF course) on a 1999 Suzuki Marauder 800cc, but I really felt that the Suzuki was too big and wouldnt handle the way I wanted it to. I wanted to feel like I could turn the bike and control it, not like I was fighting to get the bike to go where I wanted it to. This bike handles much better for me than the Suzuki. So now hubby rides the Suzuki, and Im thrilled with my little $950 find. We bought it in May of 2005, tore it down, painted it, then put it back together. We had the seat reupholstered (because it was torn), added leather saddlebags, and this year for Christmas I got a bit more chrome to make it even prettier, including a chrome radiator cover, headlight visor, horn cover, and air-cleaner cover, plus a leather tank bib. When I ride PIP (thats what I call her to aggravate my husband—stands for Pretty In Pink), it makes people smile when they look and look again to be sure they just saw a pink motorcycle. I believe anything that can make me smile and make others smile at the same time is a good thing.
Coleen Murphy
Mebane, North Carolina
Loves Her Dyna Wide Glide
Until last Mothers Day, I thought I was content to be the passenger for the rest of my life. That was because I never tried the front seat. My husband made the mistake of buying one of my girlfriends bikes, a Sportster 883 Custom with a performance kit. She was getting a bigger bike. He knew I had been toying with the idea of riding my own bike, but I didnt want to take away his “back rest.” After I got my license, I took my maiden voyage with a small group of our friends. It was awesome! Next, I rode with the group on the Blue Ridge Parkway to Shenandoah in Virginia. It was a 1,500-mile trip. I put 5,000 miles on that bike in three months and decided I was ready to move up. That was when I found my current bike, a 2001 Harley-Davidson Dyna Wide Glide. I love this bike! We recently went to Panama City, Fla. Since then, weve had lots of good times with our friends. I even got to ride with the Patriot Guard Riders, a tremendously moving experience. Ive had the bike now for four months and have put 6,000 miles on it. The guys have changed my nickname from “Queen” to “Killer.”
Debbie Pelfrey
Milledgeville, Georgia