You’ve probably experienced this while sitting on your motorcycle: you touch the screen of your cell phone, MP3 player, or GPS with gloved fingers—and nothing happens. Many touch screens function by using heat from fingers to read the movement. Gloves block the heat.
We all do it—sit on our motorcycle and try to type on our cell phone or MP3 player with our riding gloves still on (doesnt work!). Here Im using my phone while waiting for a friend to finish pumping gas.
Glove makers have responded by offering gloves with touch-screen-sensitive fingertips so you can use electronic devices without removing your gloves. Those special gloves start at around $50, and who’s to say if the glove style will be what you like, want or need?A less costly and easier alternative is Farkle Fingers. Yes, funny name, but very innovative product.
Farkle Fingers are cloth tips that go over the ends of your gloved fingers. The silver fabric is touch-screen sensitive. In this photo Im wearing one on my thumb and one on my forefinger.
Farkle Fingers are fabric tips that slip over your gloved fingertips and allow you to use any touch-screen device. Thefabric tips let you makecalls with a smartphone, navigate a GPS, or change your MP3 player settings, all without having to take off your gloves. Farkle Fingers are stretchable and stay on with an elastic strap at the bottom. They are 2 inches long, so they can stay on the glove while riding, and they fit over any size glove. They come in black only, as most people wear black motorcycle gloves (though I happen to wear brown to match my motorcycle).
Here’s a video of me using Farkle Fingers to operate the touch screen on my smartphone.
Farkle Fingers come in a set of four per package—one for the thumb and forefinger on each hand—and sell for the friendly price of $21.98. You can order from the Adaptive Technologies websiteor buy from Dive N Ride Adventures, owned by riderLisa Malachowsky. Lisa sells Farkle Fingersfor $21 and gets a cut of each sale. To purchase from Lisa, call 800.492.5190.