2024 Athena Ride for Women Wraps Up

Women take over Ohio’s windy 9 amazing motorcycle rides

By Tricia Szulewski, Editor
Athena riders
Large groups of women took to the roads earlier this month for the third annual Athena Ride for Women. The event promotes the amazing motorcycling roads surrounding Athens county, Ohio, while raising money for a local women's support organization.

Athena Ride for Women

Southeastern Ohio roads were flooded earlier this month when almost 200 women riding motorcycles and trikes of almost every brand descended on the Ohio University Inn and Conference center in Athens, Ohio, for the 3rd annual Athena Ride for Women. Riders, friends, and families gathered to ride, play, eat, and laugh in support of My Sister’s Place, an organization that provides support to survivors of domestic violence.

Women on Wheels athena donation
Many riding groups, like the Garden State Girls (New Jersey) chapter of Women on Wheels collected money ahead of time to donate directly to Athena Ride for Women’s charity, My Sister’s Place.
And there were plenty of generous private donations, too!
And there were plenty of generous private donations, too!
raffle prizes
Other ways to donate was by purchasing raffle tickets. There were several chances every evening to win one of a dozen or so raffle prize boxes filled with moto goodies worth thousands.

Great Motorcycling in Ohio!

Excited to experience this amazing all-women’s event for the first time, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ve been fortunate to ride motorcycles all over the country but have never spent time riding in Ohio before. The touted “Windy 9” includes some of southeast Ohio’s best motorcycling roads. They include scenic windy roads that follow the local waterways, changing elevation and challenging blind hills and turns, historic trails, farmland, and more. They are described well in WRN’s pre-event article about the Athena Ride for Women here.

Borrowing a 2024 Honda Gold Wing DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission) to ride from my home in Connecticut to Ohio, I thoroughly appreciated the bike's comfort and convenience features, especially during the monsoon-like conditions on my ride home. Like the 2018 Gold Wing I reviewed here, this bike offers automatic transmission when you want it, with the option to shift using bar-mounted shift buttons.

Gold wing dct
There’s no clutch or foot shifter on the Honda Gold Wing DCT. It makes stop and go traffic a much nicer experience, which I enjoyed on my long rainy ride home from the event.

Kicking Off the Athena Ride for Women

While many riders came into town a day early to get a jump on the great riding, registration opened at the Ohio University conference center where may of us were staying. There, we signed in and got our goody bags and T-shirts. We purchased raffle tickets and signed up for group rides and workshops.

Athena ride for women swag
The "Windy 9" (twisty, not blustery) are well-mapped out routes that offer something for everyone. I am only disappointed that I couldn’t ride more of them during my short time in the state. We got some fun stuff in our swag bags, and I got a signed copy of “From Chemo to Throttle” from Athena’s featured presenter, Angie Sandow.
Wendy Crockett
Iron Butt Champion Wendy Crockett (and her family) were on hand at the event. She had copies of her new book, Pushing Miles. She also led an informative workshop about motorcycle maintenance.
Angie Sandow
Angie Sandow rode in from her home near Buffalo, New York, on her customized Honda NC750X with a DCT transmission, too.

Women Riders from All Over

Despite some pockets of severe weather before, during, and after the event, women came from thousands of miles away to attend. I met some really cool ladies from Canada, New York, Maine, Georgia, and beyond. Several women’s riding clubs were represented, such as Women on Wheels and Women in the Wind.

women on wheels
The ladies from Women on Wheels who attended gathered for breakfast as a group, filling an entire room at the Ohio University Conference Center.
Chix at Athena Ride for Women
Some of my friends from the AMCA Riveters Chix on 66 Ride in 2022 reunited, too!
Black Diamond run
Women riding all kinds of motorcycles and trikes enjoyed the curvy, well-maintained roads in and around Athens county. I thoroughly enjoyed putting the Wing through its paces on these roads! Photo by Joel Prince, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.

Wednesday evening we gathered at the Union in Athens where we met up for dinner and the opening night celebration. The first of many raffles was drawn, and there was lots of hugging and dancing while the band played on. Most of us appreciated the free shuttle into town, so we could enjoy some alcoholic beverages, too!

Union, Athens Ohio
Some women danced while others just chatted it up at the Union.
Liz and Ann Athena
Athena organizers Liz and Ann are on hand and visible for the entire event, making sure everyone is well taken care of and having a great time.

Ride by Day, Party at Night

We were all keeping an eye on the weather, watching distant hurricane paths and their effects on our area as we planned our following day’s activities. The workshops were all in the afternoons, leaving the mornings open for organized group rides or for those who chose to follow the maps on their own.

Pomeroy Dash
Organized rides were kept small enough so that the riders could easily stay together. Photo by Joel Prince, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.

Luckily, the weather held out long enough to get in several great days of riding. My favorite was the Pioneer Pass, which featured “The Triple Nickel” (State Route 555). But many riders raved about the Lazy Rivers route as well, which traversed past Ohio’s Hocking River.

Athena ride for women windy 9
Riding behind some of my Chix buddies, there were enough tight curves, dips, and peaks to challenge more experienced riders. And the scenery was perfect!

Many riders wrapped up their rides with plenty of time to take part in the workshops, too. Besides Wendy’s bike maintenance 101, other topics included self-defense techniques, first aid for motorcyclists, and how to make better use of GPS.

AThena ride seminar workshop
Turns out, you don’t need a fancy expensive GPS system. We learned that anyone with a smartphone can create great ride routes. Photo by Olivia Raney, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.
wendy crockett picking up a motorcycle
In addition to maintenance, Wendy demonstrates how to properly pick up a motorcycle. Then, participants had a chance to do it themselves with supervision. Photo by Olivia Raney, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.
Athena ride for women
Thankfully, the weather held out long enough for riders to decorate their bikes and parade down Court Street with a police escort Friday evening. Photo by Joel Prince, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.
Trish Athena ride for women
Meeting new friends and sharing about the day’s activities in the Inn's courtyard by the fire pit created special moments for me. Photo by Olivia Raney, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.

Athena Ride for Women Closing Ceremony

Saturday evening’s closing night banquet dinner at Stuart’s Opera House was sponsored by Ohio’s Windy 9 with the keynote presentation and the final raffle drawing to wrap up the charity portion.

Stuarts Opera House Athena Ride for women
Built in 1879, Stuart’s Opera House is a historic building in Nelsonville, Ohio, about 13 miles from Athens. Photo by Olivia Raney, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.
Athena ride for women featured speaker angie sandow
Born with various congenital birth “defects,” Angie doesn’t consider herself to be different. While many may look at her with doubt, she is “all in,” and has not only been riding motorcycles since she was young, she has also overcome a breast cancer diagnosis and is a motivational speaker and author. Photo by Olivia Raney, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.
Athena ride for women group
This group shot was taken in downtown Athens, where its cobblestone road and modern gas lights offer character that take you back to “small town USA.” Photo by Olivia Raney, courtesy of Ohio’s Windy 9.

Going Back to Ohio

Who knew I was going to love Ohio so much? I can’t wait to go back again next year, where there will be even more rides, workshops, and fun to be had. Save the date, the 4th annual Athena Ride for Women will be July 30–August 2, 2025. I hope to see you there!

Honda Gold Wing DCT
Learn more about Honda's Gold Wing and DCT motorcycles at Powersports.Honda.com.
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