On Monday, June 21, the number of motorcycles and scooters on roads and highways will more than double as many riders become two-wheeled commuters to the office in support of Ride To Work Day. Ride To Work is a non-profit organization that promotes this day each year – the third Monday in June to help demonstrate that riding is an efficient, economical form of personal transportation which makes parking easier and helps traffic flow better. This year marks the 18th annual worldwide event involving riders of all ages, occupations, and from all walks of life.
“Motorcycles and scooters consume less resources per mile than automobiles, and they take up less space in parking areas and on roads,” said Andy Goldfine, the program organizer. “Riders seek employer support for this efficient form of transportation, and more government and public awareness about ridings many benefits.” Commuting on this day shows the positive value of motorcycles and scooters for transportation. For hundreds of thousands of workers, motorcycles and scooters are an economical, efficient and socially responsible form of mobility that saves energy, helps the environment and provides a broad range of other public benefits. Studies have shown that across equal distances, commuting motorcyclists reach their destinations in less time than those using automobiles. Motorcycling and scootering clubs around the world encourage their members to ride to work on this annual day.

This year the weaker economy is causing many commuters to turn to motorcycles and scooters to save money on transportation. These new every day riders are finding cycles and scooters to be an economical, efficient, and enjoyable way to get to work and around town.

According to the United States Census Bureau and the Department of Transportation, more than 80 million cars and light trucks are used for daily commuting on American roads, and about 200,000 motorcycles and scooters are a regular part of this mix. On Ride To Work Day, the practical side of riding becomes more visible as a larger number of Americas 8,000,000 cycles are ridden to work. Visit RideToWork.org.
Features: Women Who Ride To Work Every Day
I ride to work whenever possible. I knew it was going to do the typical evening summer shower that we get in Florida, but I rode anyway. We had a torrential downpour that afternoon but I was able to get home in between storms. I wouldn’t miss my ride that day for anything!
I rode in on the 21st, and just for good measure, today too.
I ride my Fat Boy to work every chance I can get. It gets me charged in the morning and calms me down in the evening. I love the ride!
Will definitely ride to work. 144 miles round trip. Whoo hoo!
I love to ride to work, sometimes hard planning on what to wear and the helmet hair though. Don’t really like having to go to the top of the parking garage either but that is only because the people in cars are not cautious at all with bikers in the garage. I’ll be riding on Monday and every day after as long as its not raining.
I ride everyday into work. Riding home really allows me to get home stress free!
Will definitely ride to work. Can’t wait.
I’ve started riding to work on occasion, although having to look professional is tough after taking the helmet off. But no matter, I’ll deal! I love riding to work (80 miles round trip). Too bad I’ll be on vacation for this event, or I’d certainly participate!
I love to ride my bright and shiny Heritage Springer, but do not ride much to work. Work inside sales. Haven’t found a way to accommodate the hour drive in and do something with the hair before work time. But I definitely make the RIDE TO WORK DAY.
I rode the Moto Guzzi Norge – great tourer, great commuter. Motorcycles – yah!
I rode and ride every day to work. I love the cool morning ride. It wakes me up for the day.
My motorcycle is my only transportation. So every day is a Bike To Work Day! I love it!
I rode…in my leopard print jeans and sparkly pink helmet. They were going to know I was a woman rider!