Its Friday December 23, 2005, about a month before the launch date of WomenRidersNow.com. Since this idea came to me a few months ago, I have been compiling news items and stories and posting them to the Web site as if the site is already up and running. It just so happens that there were a lot of stories involving women and motorcycling this fall. I attended several events aimed at female riders including Femmoto, a Harley-Davidson press introduction for female journalists, and several Kawasaki press events for female journalists. These events generated lots of stories. It was hard to for me not to post these stories on my Web site even though the site is not yet live. I posted them to my work-in-progress site so that when the site launches February 1, you can access the stories in the archive. The stories are still relevant. Theyre still interesting. And you know what… theres no other Web site focusing on the kind of content we have, so the stories are fresh, too.
I also continue to receive lots of press releases. Ive posted some of those stories on the site, stories we at Women Riders Now think are interesting and useful to you.
This last month is going to be an extremely busy one as I continue to post content to make this site as full as possible when we go live. I have so much material already, I want to post all of it. But I will post a little at time so that each day you have something new to read.
It feels a little strange for me writing this editorial knowing you wont read it for at least a month. It will be posted in the archives on my editorial page. I wanted you to have a sense of what was going on pre-launch with WomenRidersNow.com. Were busy selling ads to companies that want you to know about them right from the get-go. Other companies are taking a wait-and-see approach, which is totally fine. We realize what were doing has never been done before on this level. We will have to prove that there are hundreds of thousands of women… and men for that matter… who are interested in reading motorcycle lifestyle content.
There are already lots of people in the industry excited about what were doing. We have top-notch writers working for us contributing stories and ideas. This is an exciting time for women and motorcycling. I cant wait for you to see what we have in store.
Until next time…
Peace and passion,