Motorcycling is suddenly the safest way to travel, with natural social distancing, lots of fresh air, helmets, and gloves. But how do we stay safe when we stop for gas, food, or head out on a trip with overnight stays? Here are some tips for you with help from my friend Elaine Masters, the Trip Well Gal, for staying protected while riding your motorcycle. Elaines story, “How to Be a Responsible Tourist” (link below) details precautions she took on recent road trips up and down the Pacific Coast and an international trip to Cancun and the Riviera Maya.
The Importance of Riding Extra-Cautiously
I had a motorcycle tour in Thailand in 2020 planned, but since it was canceled my motorcycling adventures have been centered close to home in California. If you’re lucky enough to have a trailer or toy hauler, now’s the time to take it on the road with you.

A note about riding style, speed, and risk-taking. While I’m not inclined to take risks when I ride even during normal times, I’m extra careful these days so I don’t end up in the hospital during this crisis.

Check for Outbreaks
Wherever you go and however you get there, Elaine’s first tip is to check ahead for regional outbreaks. Research current CDC guidelines and follow scientific progress as the contours of the pandemic evolve. If there’s an outbreak near your destination it’s better to change your plans than to risk it. The good news that comes with the bad is that nowadays most places have lots of vacancies and are hungry for visitors, so you won’t have to look far for a good alternative.

Masking Up
Because COVID-19 is transmitted as an aerosol, it’s important to keep yourself masked. If you wear a full-face helmet, awesome! Keep that visor down. If you don’t wear a full-face helmet, do wear a properly fitted mask. Purchasing the right mask is important and layering up can help a lot. Masks should have two layers of washable, breathable fabric, completely cover your nose and mouth, and fit snugly against your face. Bandanas arent a good option because it doesn’t meet this criteria. Neck gaiters are good, but they are usually only a single layer and made of thin, stretchable fabric. Fabric that stretches will naturally create more space between the fibers to allow air and aerosol spray through. The CDC recommends folding a single-layer gaiter in half to create a double layer.

The most effective masks are rated N-95 (US Standard) or KN-95 (Chinese Standard). With new virus mutations, the CDC now recommends double masking if you’re not using a N-95/KN-95, and to make sure it’s sealed completely. If you wear a double-layer cloth mask, use a filter in it for best effect.

Be careful about handling used masks. Remove the ear loops first and avoid touching the front of the mask. Wash your hands or use sanitizer after handling your mask. When you take off your mask put it in a folder, baggie, or designated holder. Wash your mask daily or expose it to sunlight and heat which are natural sanitizers. In a car, the dashboard works great. On a motorcycle, tuck your mask into the clear map holder on your tank bag. Otherwise, rotate it frequently with another mask.
Rest Stops and Gas Stations
If you can keep your gloves on through the entire process of getting your credit card out, gassing up, and going, that’s awesome! Remember, though, don’t touch your face. If you have to take your gloves off, keep them clean by removing them before you touch anything. Also, make sure you’ve gotten your hand sanitizer out ahead of time. Then do all the things you need to do: pump gas, purchase snacks, and go to the bathroom. Don’t forget to wash your hands to your favorite 20-second song. Now’s the time to put on sunscreen and lip balm.
Back at the bike, use your hand sanitizer on your credit cards, phone, key fob, and anything else you’ve touched before finally sanitizing your hands. Now put your gloves back on.
Safe Lodging

Campgrounds are open again but if you’re not a camper, try booking independent units in motels and small hotels. Cabin rentals make social distancing easy. Request rooms with windows that open and don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions when you book. Ask what safety procedures they’re following. Specifically ask when the room was last used and when it was cleaned. It needs to be empty for a couple of hours to allow any aerosol particulates to settle and dry.
Here are a few tips:
- Book a room with windows that open.
- Bring disinfecting wipes for the high-touch spots and you just have to trust that housekeeping staff wear masks and gloves.
- If you feel uncomfortable or witness noncompliant staff, go somewhere else.
- Leave good tips for staff. They’re probably working reduced hours and crazy schedules. They are putting themselves and their families on the line to be of service.
- Respect the locals
Motorcycle Safety Training and Tours
Motorcycle tours and rider training businesses are open. You can enjoy the sport and avoid being a spreader. Practice social distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands. If you see staff, students, or other guests ignoring safety precautions, speak out.

We already knew motorcycling was a great way to travel, and now it’s both a fun and smart way to go. But we still need to take precautions to keep ourselves and others safe.
What are you doing to keep yourself and others safe on motorcycle trips, long or short? Got any tips for us? Stories about what you’re seeing while you’re on the road these days? We’d love to hear your thoughts and observations. Please share your comments below, and find out how to submit your story here at this link.
Carla King is a long-distance touring motorcyclist who travels to exotic places and writes about it. Read her Motorcycle Misadventures stories about trips in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Europe. She runs a Your Moto Diaries travel writing workshop, travel memoir workshops, and offers book publishing services, too. Find her on the web at CarlaKing.com and enjoy her book American Borders, which was reviewed here on WRN.
CDC Guide to Masks
Trip Well Gal
How to Be a Responsible Tourist
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Great tips! Thanks for providing them.
Thank you for the tips. Good information for today’s culture.
Great tips. A lot of common sense and putting that stuff in print makes it easier to drill into your head. It’s one thing to know how to be careful and another to actually do it.I like the WRN newsletter. It is for women but I enjoy it because it doesn’t have any macho posturing.Keep up the good work!
Loved this article.
Very interesting, keep me in the loop please.
Super tips. Thanks for including stories like this one, WRN!