Yamahas entry-level motorcycle
Read WRN review here
Dear WRN,
At 52, I tried taking the motorcycle training class last year, failed the riding portion, and dropped the bike. At the same time, my father was in a rehabilitation center due to a fall. In pretty sure it was my guilt contributing to my failure. That was a year ago. Im ready to try again, but dont want to fail again. I have a Yamaha 250. Any suggestions on how to find a mentor?
Thank you,
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
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There is a Facebook page called Under Her Wing which seeks to connect novice riders with experienced riders. They have a map to make it easier to find a mentor near you.
The private company who does BRC-testing usually has riding coaches. I’d ask if one of them would be willing to give one-on-one classes (I asked and got one, tad expensive but definitely worth every penny. I aced the u-turns on test, but went off on curve, which made me worried about actually driving in traffic. On one-on-one class coach immediately found the problem and was able to guide me to better habits and have more confidence). I know a great coach in WPB, FL who I could dearly recommend.
I’ve dropped my Yamaha 250 almost half a dozen times, training school bike four times, mine once. I even wiped out doing about 10 kilometers riding with my Women In The Wind sister practicing to take the road test on my second day out. It happens, and it’s always valuable learning experiences. My sisters are my mentors.
Exactly what the other reader said, find some motorcycle clubs, even if it’s brand-specific. I went to the local BMW club and found a bunch of instructors from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. But when introduced I said I was new to riding and looking for people to help me learn. After the meeting I had names and numbers of women and men who would ride with me. It was great. I’ve stayed a member because I’m still learning a lot from them. Clubs are a great resource, and I’ve found as long as you’re honest with them about your level, they’re willing to help. Now I have some great friends who ride.
I see a lack of “transition” classes/mentors. I passed the Basic RiderCourse (3rd try!) last year and have my motorcycle endorsement but I have not yet taken my bike on the roadways. I have ridden in the storage facility areas (dropped bike twice trying to make U turns). I’m sure there are liability and insurance issues but can’t some type of transition program for super newbies like me be developed?
As an MSF RiderCoach I hear this a lot and agree with you. A transition program would be wonderful and well-attended, I’m sure. In the meantime, you may consider taking a private lesson on your own motorcycle from one of your local instructors who are willing to go with you as you venture out onto the streets.
Actually, this website, Women Riders Now, has a page dedicated to female motorcycling clubs! Find one in your area and reach out to them. Most of them will be more then happy to ride with you and help mentor. I’m in a Grand Rapids club called The Valkyries and we love helping new women learn to ride! We don’t even care if you’re interested in joining the club or not, we just want to see more women on two wheels!
Thanks for the plug, Liz. Here is the link to WRN’s National and Regional Women’s Riding Clubs page.
I hear you on this one! I too am a new rider, similar in age and looked (and still looking) to ride with similarly-skilled riders. I made it a point to reach out to various local motorcycle clubs. The types of clubs I sought out were usually brand-specific (i.e. BMW riding club, Harley Owners Group, etc.). I attended a meeting as a guest. In my introduction I fessed up quickly to my street skill riding level. Then I told them why I was there (to find people to ride with at my skill level). You would be amazed at the people who want to welcome you and help you gain the experience you want. You’ll find these people, just keep talking about it, and keep riding while you look for them! You’re not the first person, you won’t be the last!
Contact your local motorcycle shop, and see if any clubs meet nearby. I bought a Honda scooter when I first started, and there is a local club that meets at the Honda shop.