Babes Ride Out is an annual camping event for women motorcyclists now in its third year. Its being held in Joshua Tree, Calif., October 23-35, 2015. At its second gathering last fall, GoPro supplied the organizers with cameras to document all the action and camaraderie that goes on between women motorcycle riders. Watch this short film to get an intimate look at this new generation of female motorcyclists.
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Now, tell us what you think of this short film. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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These are real women — more balls then most men I know, courageous, intelligent, inspiring, willing to take on life and living it — and doing what they love — riding motorcycles and sisterhood. Give them hell girls!
This is where I’ll be in October! Shortly after my 50th birthday, I’ll be attending this event. I could not be more excited to be heading to Babes Ride Out! I’ll be camping with my sweetheart friend Madhavi who I met through Instagram, just as the video eluded to. When I’m with Madhavi we ride, eat, hug, share stories, and smile all the time. She’s by far the easiest riding partner I have. She’s very young, beautiful and smart and rides like a grandma. Hahahaha! And she always wears her gear. Don’t let the look of a few of these girls make you think they are all daredevils who are poor riders. In fact, most are better riders than some of the cruiser riders I know! I don’t know all of these girls, but I know a few and they are just like any other group. Some wear gear, some don’t, some ride within their skill level, some don’t, and accidents can happen to the best of riders. These are some amazing young ladies and I can’t wait to go camp with, ride among and learn from these beauties!Smooches,
DITTO-Chris Bailey-DITTO!
Joy, Sorrow, Inspiration, Aspiration, Revelation.Thank you.
I loved the message about bonding, making friends and sharing an awesome experience, but a safety video it isn’t. Between the lack of gear, lack of skills and horrible group riding technique I’m not sure it’s a film I would share with my daughter or a perspective female rider. ‘m not sure what the scantily clad photos were about either.
Why was the “f” word needed in this video? I guess I’m old school, but I just don’t understand why? Otherwise entertaining video!
Refreshing to see real girls riding, not just posing in bikinis sitting or straddling bikes. I’ve attached a pic of me and Sky.
The women in this video though young and riding really cool vintage bikes (or bikes made to look vintage) do not represent me or most of the women motorcyclist that I know. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t direct any young women (or men) riders to this video as it doesn’t showcase safety in the way they are riding or the gear they are wearing. Are they showcasing their passion? Maybe. Are they showcasing good motorcycle riding safety, not even close. Thankfully Calif. has a motorcycle helmet law or I am certain we would have seen many in this video riding without one. There are a lot of women working hard to project a positive image of women motorcyclist. As the previous writer (Chris Bailey) indicated, I really want to LOVE this video but I just can’t and I don’t think videos like this are doing anything to promote a positive image of women motorcyclists. I would love to see GoPro provide cameras to the women riders that wear riding gear all the time, etc., for the production of a video that balances out what we just viewed in this one. Thanks WRN for this forum for this discussion to be held.
Thank you for taking the time to post a response Deana.
Refreshing to see real girls riding, not just posing in bikinis sitting or straddling bikes. I’ve attached a pic of me and Sky.
Through the whole video I cringed and was extremely uncomfortable. What the hell does this video have to say to women? Women are idiots; you’re so cool to be a woman ride; who the %^*( needs gear; women don’t get hurt; you own the road and no one else should interfere with your ass. Lovely titties but they would be raked off her chest in a split second upon contact with the asphalt at highway speeds.What I kept thinking was the senselessness of this video and the poor message it presented. These women spend hundreds of dollars on cameras and not a dollar on good safe gear. Women look better in good gear than with no skin.I’ve been riding for 50 years and have had one bad accident when I was 19. I was cool and had my full colors on. Going 25 mph I hit another bike that crossed in front of me. Cracked my helmet (it was a law in South Dakota) ripped off my jacket (colors) shredded my jeans and badly rashed my boots. I lost all the skin down to the meat on my arm and shoulder and to the bone on one knee. I picked out rocks and pieces of road for many years. I still have a stripe of black asphalt on my forearm to remind me that every time you ride, no mater if it just down the road to the store, to gear up. From that day on I wear a good helmet and full armor gear. I’ve been down a couple of times since then but have never been hurt again.Maybe videos of women with some serious miles on them should share their stories of accidents to drive home the importance of not riding like these women did.
Some very attractive, sexy women whom I hope stay that way. However, judging from their dangerous riding techniques/stunts and lack of proper safety apparel, I fear one or more of them will wind up in hospital and with by horrible scars. I don’t think women – or any riders – ought to emulate these careless people.
Hey Go Pro! How about giving me one of your camera’s at no charge and I’ll give you a video of us older gal riders who have been doing it when it was not popular and paving the way for these young’ins to have fun!
I love the video. I’ve been riding more than 40 years and love seeing women get out together, supporting and encouraging each other! While I’m not a fan of splitting lanes, I have done it on occasion to get the feel for it as I realize there can be instances where it may be the only “out” of a potentially bad situation.I see a lot of negative judgment in the comments (some on Facebook), as opposed to constructive critique; from the use of the term “gabes” (which I have always taken to mean “someone desirable”) to the choice of gear. When I’m in the wind, my only judge is the Great Mystery (by whatever name you prefer). Each to their own. We all have different skill sets and are willing to accept different levels of risk. It’s a personal choice, just like what and where we ride.I ride differently now than I did when I was 17, or when I was pregnant, or with my daughter on the back. I ride differently when I am alone, than when I am in a group, or with one or two people I ride with regularly.I think the video did very well pointing out that there are risks. Life involves risks. I’d rather ride until it kills me, than be in a hospital bed with cancer or some other terminal disease! My ride. My life. My choice.
Awesome short film. I’m 64 years old. Been riding since it wasn’t cool for us to ride — 1985. I would love to ride with these ladies. Keep the shiny side up girls. See you on the ride.
Looks good! Like Darlene C, I have been riding for more than 40 years. In some places I have lived I was the only female biker. I have seen the woman rider community grow to this fabulous size and love it! I know that I have been instrumental in several women learning to ride. And I love seeing the shops treat women almost the same as men. So keep up the good work gals!
I too share the sentiment of Chris Baily. I have been a motorcyclist for 41 years now. Ninety percent of my vacations have been taken on two wheels. I’ve traveled cross country solo and in groups. I also have more than 1,000,000 documented miles on the road as an OTR truck driver. I know about hazards while driving. A note on lane splitting, when a bike came along side of me in Calif. while I was driving my truck it always unnerved me. I have done track days; I’ve taken the MSF experienced rider course several times; I wear gear. I wear good gear. I wear it 100 percent of the time. ATGATT All The Gear All The Time. Don’t complain that it’s hot. It’s hot without it too. But with gear I’m safer.
Chris Bailey, thank you for saying exactly what I was thinking. While some of the women wore good gear, there were many exceptions. I live in Calif. and split lanes when appropriate — some of those moves in “shorts” are just plain dumb. Hopefully some of these ladies will check out some of the tips on WRN for properly loading their bikes too!You guys are riding like a rolling roadblock on a public road, blowing stop signs and flip off a driver for having the nerve to pass you? Embarrassing. Sharing the road also means sharing with cars, bikes and pedestrians. If we want respect, we have to show it too. Blowing turns, caught unaware by riders in your own party stopping in front of you. Spend more time on skills and less on your look.I don’t see anything “fresh” about women trying to be like bone-headed guys. I also don’t see anything “new” about women riding across the country. Lots of women, men, kids, dogs ride across our country and in fact around the world every day. I think we are way past this being a novelty.I hope the member of your party who was injured in the accident recovers and that you all spend some time before this year’s event thinking about the things that you can control so you can keep riding for the rest of your life. Not until it kills you.
Honestly I only watched 5 min., but love it. I particularly love the youthful dynamic – these babes represent for the most part, a new female hip-biker generation, an urban chicness, that I envy. Motorcycling should be simple – two wheels, power between your legs, fresh air. As a 56 yo woman who learned to ride from my husband and ‘weekend wanna-be biker dudes’ on very pricey machines’, I recognize and appreciate the freshness and authenticity the BRO girls represent. I’ve read about BRO since the first camp out, and would love to join them. Plus, Joshua Tree? How fantastic is that?? Thank you Go Pro – great product, great choice! And thank you Genevieve, for the video and the promotion.
I have been riding for 30 years. I started riding in a time when it was not popular for women to be on motorcycles, it was just for men. It is so nice to see the next generation of women riding their own bikes and enjoying the freedom and excitement that comes with being on your own and not a passenger on the back. There is always the chance that you could get hurt, but that goes with any sport. Unless you are a rider, you don’t understand all that comes with being on two wheels heading down the highway. I wish all a safe journey and a great experience. I am 63 years young and still ride my Harley every chance I get.
Nice vid! I think it’s spot on, good representation of real women who ride!
I want to love this. Really, I do. I want to love that more of us are out there, but can’t help but cringe at this video…the whole idea of riding being the powerful and liberating experience that it is gets completely INVALIDATED by each of their actions. Frankly, I’m surprised at how a company like GoPro would promote this type of recklessness! How many of these ladies spoke about being aware of the risks or said they respected the ride and the road–even watched, helplessly, as one in their group was harmed–and yet still not one of them had proper gear on? One even mentioned being a mother? I can’t be the only one who sees the contradiction between their words and their actions? They act as if it’s a fashion show, maybe it’s too much Sons of Anarchy watching with their bad-ass attitudes, language, drinking, etc. I’ve been riding a long time and have seen lots of fads come and go in regard to riding. This “new generation” of riders won’t last long if they don’t take things more seriously. I saw nothing in this video worthy of praise.
Thanks for your well-thought-out critique, Chris.
Looks like a great time! But I don’t know how you ride without gloves! I like these strong young women riders. They are taking the road with no holds barred and I’m sure nobody is jacking with them. The more the merrier!
Very inspiring to watch this film. Although I do wish the best for the woman in the accident. I am 56 years old and just bought my first Harley last July. I live in Massachusetts and don’t get to ride as much as I would like. On the very top of my bucket list is to travel cross country, camping and with my bike. Since I was a girl I have been fascinated by the roar of the bike, knowing someday I will ride my very own.