“Everybody Has a Story” July Contest Winner

Bonding through motorcycling

By Valorie Hamm, Duncan, South Carolina

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I am a child psychologist and a fairly new rider of a year and a half. My life has been spent advocating for childrens rights and raising my family to the best of my ability. I became interested in motorcycles through an Internet friend of mine in Australia to whom I owe much thanks and gratitude for introducing me to this life changing activity.

Valorie Hamm after just completing the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course.

Let me start by saying I see more horrors and depravity directed at our children in a week than most people will encounter in a lifetime. This is an amazing story of a 9-year-old girl we will call Zena to protect her privacy. Zena has had the most horrific abuse background that its not even possible to wrap your mind around her suffering. I took her into my home recognizing a kindred spirit in her ability to survive, her generous heart through untold adversity, and a will of absolute iron! I promised to protect, nurture and show her what components a childhood should be made up of.

I failed her as the only adult in her life she ever trusted. Once again, my lovely of mind and spirit Zena girl suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a boy within our own community whom I trusted. I was devastated to the absolute core of my being and this child who was learning to be a child again crawled back into her shell of humiliation and despair thinking once again it was her fault for her life falling apart.

The absolute soul stirring joy we discovered together on the motorcycle saved my sanity and her love of life and the ability to trust me once again. Weve spent miles and miles on the bike together and her words will haunt me for the rest of my life. My lovely Zena girl said, “Its really OK, my motorcycle mama, for the motorcycle heals the holes in my heart, and the wind will dry our tears.”

Purple girls: Valorie and Zena.

We are learning and healing together with the joy of motorcycling as our cement. She is an excellent passenger who loves nothing better than to fly down the back roads to a destination thats not important. Whats important, we discovered, is that riding is the healing therapy and that our bond will last an entire lifetime.

In the last year and a half that motorcycles have been a part of our life, we have logged more than 20,000 miles with many more on our horizon.

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