When you spend long hours riding your motorcycle, its common to end up with a dead cell phone. Youve takenpictures along the way,maybe updated them toFacebook, Twitter or Instagram, checked yourmaps app or GPS, and probably made some phone calls. Now theres a simple solution to keep your cell phone charged while riding.
The ZootFresh charger—yes,funny name, but you wont forget it—was designed to charge cell phones, GPS and MP3 players from amotorcycles battery tender connection. One end of the charger has a USB connection, the part that connects to your cell phone charger, the other end plugs into a 2-pin SAE connection. An SAE cable connects to your motorcycles battery terminals; that is where it draws the charge. You will need to buy that separately.
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Product Review: Powerlet Power Outlet for Motorcycles
Great idea! Thank you.