Video Reader Review: BMW F 700 GS
WRN reader Michele Karaffa Cage used to ride a cruiser, but she wanted to ride on gravel roads. Listen to her tell us why she chose the BMW F 700 GS as her do-all motorcycle.
Video Reader Review: BMW F 700 GS
WRN reader Michele Karaffa Cage used to ride a cruiser, but she wanted to ride on gravel roads. Listen to her tell us why she chose the BMW F 700 GS as her do-all motorcycle.
Video Reader Review: BMW F 700 GS
This 57-year-old grandmother loves to go on riding adventures with her horse-themed brown Harley-Davidson Dyna Fat Bob.
Your Motorcycles: The Saddle Brown Iron Pony
This three-wheeled rider finds her serenity, peace, and sense of “zen” while riding this Can-Am Spyder that she aptly names Zenith.
Your Motorcycles: Zen and the Art of the Three-Wheeled Motorcycle
Linda Normans customized Softail Deluxe has really been around—the world, that is. Check out where this beauty came from, and where its been.
Your Motorcycles: A Customized Softail Deluxe That Gets Around
Briana Kessler wears the phrase “see and be seen” well. Check out her big, beautiful, and bright Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic.
Your Motorcycles: Making a Big, Bold Statement
The Harley-Davidson Dyna Switchback has a big following among women riders who want the power, comfort, and storage of a big touring motorcycle, but dont want the bulk and “big-ness” of the bigger bike. Watch this short video review by a WRN reader.
Video Reader Review: Harley-Davidson Dyna Switchback
Jamie Schoeneneberger grew up influenced by her Harley-riding parents and has been riding since she was a young girl. A fan of the pink and black color scheme, she has always wanted to own a pink bike, and this 2001 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy is her first.
Your Motorcycles: Pink Sparkly Softail
Bubbles, the two-ton hippo, inspired Margie Biermans pink Honda VTX 1300S. Check out how a lot of imagination and some creativity can transform a motorcycle.
Your Motorcycles: Hippochicks Pink Honda VTX 1300S
Marilyn Hansen loves everything with wings and the idea of taking flight. This idea shines through on her customized 2007 Honda Shadow Aero. Check out the incredible custom graphics and use of Swarovski crystals.
Your Motorcycles: High-flying Shadow Aero
“The wind began to switch, the house pitch, and suddenly the hinges started to unhitch.Just then the witch, to satisfy an itch, went flying on her broomstick, thumbing for a hitch.” Read about one WRN readers quest to turn her Sportster into a touring Wizard of Oz-themed motorcycle.
Your Motorcycles: A Wicked Sportster