WRNs Backroads With Betsy columnist, Betsy Huelskamp, is back from her Mount Everest trip and tells her side of a controversial story that began brewing at the 17,000 foot base camp during her May 2007 summit attempt.

In her latest column, posted at the Backroads With Betsy link, Betsy, shares her experiences atop the worlds highest mountain. During her two-month expedition, daily dispatches were posted by a reporter from the Discovery Channel who was there chronicling the expedition. He was there in support of a camera crew from Discovery Channel who also there following Betsy and her teammates every move for a TV series to air this fall. Betsy was not allowed to attempt to summit this year, but not before some controversial moments that now has Betsy defending her mountaineering experience. You can read her point of view by clicking on Backroads With Betsy. After reading that, you can link to the Discovery Channels dispatches by clicking here.