May marks the third annual Women Riders Month, which celebrates women who already ride and inspires other women to grab life by the handlebars. There are several significant events to take note of, the first being International Female Ride Day on May 6, 2011.
Request the day off now, then gather your female riding friends on Friday, May 6 and just ride. That#8217;s the goal of this designated global day, now in its fifth year. This annual occasion is unlike any other motorcycle event. It has become the activity not to be missed in women riders#8217; agendas, according to Vicki Gray, founder of MOTORESS, a Canada-based online community that connects women in motorcycling. #8220;The excitement and enthusiasm for being part of the only global campaign for women riders continues to catch on like wildfire. Women devotedly prepare to ride and unite on this synchronized day around the world.#8221;
Regardless of their motorcycling interests#8212;sport bike, cruiser, scooter, off-road, touring or competition#8212;International Female Ride Day makes one simple request of women: just ride. Get on your bike, go out there and be visible as a role model for others who haven#8217;t yet taken the step to enjoy motorcycling.

Female Ride Day is a day to celebrate and highlight the many women who share a passion for the sport. The latest #8220;official#8221; statistics from the Motorcycle Industry Council, the only U.S. organization counting women riders on a large scale, show that 23 percent, or 5.7 million, of the 25 million Americans who rode a motorcycle in 2008 are female.
International Female Ride Day fever grows each year, and 2011 expects to see more participants than in years prior. The United States, Canada, Australia, England, The Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Poland, Israel, Qatar, Denmark and Russia are just some of the countries that will be participating in the campaign in compelling numbers. Since its introductory year in 2007, International Female Ride Day has experienced spectacular growth and has been endorsed by key motorcycle industry leaders, renowned female rider clubs, and international governing bodies such as Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM). For more information, visit Motoress.com.
Harley-Davidson Events
During Women Riders Month, Harley-Davidson dealerships around the country are holding women-rider-oriented events, including a series of organized women-only rides on May 14. Check with your local dealer or visit Harley-Davidson.com for a list of scheduled women#8217;s events throughout the country.
In addition, the Motor Company is planning to stage the first-ever Biker Boot Camp for Womenat the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee. The special camp is designed to make the dream of riding a reality for several women by immersing them in the culture of Harley-Davidson and enrolling them in the Rider#8217;s Edge New Rider Training Course, all while celebrating the experience with other new women riders.
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Several ladies took the day off and road PA125. We invited our husbands because we like riding with them, but it was definitely about female riders. Our meet-up group has planned a ladies only ride Saturday May 14.
We’ll be headed out on our 3-week trip on May 6. What a great way to celebrate Int’l Women’s Riding Day, and with my hubby who inspired and supported me to be my own rider. Thanks to him and all the other women out there that without even knowing me, inspired me. Thanks to Genevieve for the WRN!
I love it. We too will be celebrating Women Rider’s Month on May 7th with women’s only ride to celebrate here in Austin — riding your own and enjoying the camaraderie with other women. I was fortunate to go to Milwaukee last year and bring a new rider with me from Texas. The ride to and from Milwaukee and the event at the museum and escorted ride to downtown Milwaukee was a lifetime memory. Wish we could do it again this year but we’ll be staying home and joining Cowboy Harley-Davidson of Austin with their celebration. Thanks Genevieve for your magazine! It is so helpful! I tell all my women rider friends to check it out.
Thanks for helping me spread the word about Women Riders Now.
I embraced International Female Ride Day, added the logo to my site http://missrider.com/ and ordered my t-shirt. Will be riding somewhere on that day for sure, rain or shine!
Sounds like a whole lotta fun to me! I’m going to email some female friends that ride and try and organize something in my area.
This will be our second year to have a ride on International Female Ride Day. Last year 15 women rode from Vancouver, Washington to Astoria, Oregon, and it was a blast so we are so excited to go again. This year we will be riding from Vancouver to Olympia, taking all back roads to avoid the freeway. My friend, and our ride planner Kathy and I did a trial run in the car to check it out and it was awesome. What a cool way to honor and bring to the forefront the women who are not back rests!