The 2010 International Female Ride Day is just a week away and women all over the world are preparing for the global occasion that has women riders everywhere getting out on their motorcycle on this one day and riding. More countries are expected to join in and more women are setting up activities for Friday May 7th. “The word continues to spread and women enthusiastically are getting ready to ride and unite on this synchronized day around the world,” says Vicki Gray, the founder of MOTORESS, the group that started International Female Ride Day.For this, the 4th annual event, Vicki says shes noticed an increase in the recognition of the Female Ride Day among the motorcycle industry around the world. “The popularity of this event comes from the concept and the fact that it invites women to ride no matter what brand, style or type of motorcycle. This gives the industry an opportunity to share its support and get involved.

As before, participants will be able to upload andsend in their picture to MOTORESS or post them on the Facebook group andevent page. A free souvenir will be sent to first 100 photos received.Participants can also go the MOTORESS Facebook group or event page topost their plans for May 7 while networking with others. In addition,women will be able to order the special 2010 Female Ride Day T-shirt as asouvenir online. This year the T-shirt will be in a natural bamboofabric, the latest trend in eco-friendly fabrics.

Sport bike, cruiser, scooter, off-road, touring or competition, regardless of what type or style of motorcycle, International Female Ride Day makes one simple request of women justride. The concept has assembled its power and participation in thissimple, globally synchronized theme linking the chain of women throughthe shared activity of motorcycling. This one day is set aside tocelebrate and highlight the many numbers of women who share a passionfor the sport. The fact that every rider participating is a role modelfor women who have not yet taken their first step to enjoy motorcycling,is a role worth embracing.
There were six of girls riding that and enjoyed every minute of it.
Anyone ladies near southern VA to ride with near Carroll County VA?
I have a ride planned with my WITW Shore Riders sisters. Is there more information about purchasing a T-shirt?
The weather was awesome, the ride was super and my companions the best. We couldn’t have had a nicer day for one of the first rides of the season. Ten of us met this morning for a ride to the coast — Pacific Northwest.We rode into the town of Astoria, OR. When we parked along the main street we stretched a banner flag across a couple of bikes that read “A Girl’s Gotta Ride.” As people drove by we got the thumbs up sign, honks and hoots. We are definitely proud to be women that ride. We then had lunch, and did a little look-see around town, then off across the Astoria bridge — four miles long across the mouth of the Columbia River, into Washington State for a gorgeous ride back home. Two hundred forty miles round trip. We then stopped at one of the gals house and had a quick supper that her husband prepared for us. A great day it was.
I’m the co-publisher of Born To Ride Magazine in Florida and I will be on the road — a trip to Harley-Davidson of Brandon, Florida, to meet Genevieve!
Our women’s riding group, AC Motormaids, acmotormaids.com is riding from Atlantic Canada to meet our sister riders in Calias, ME, on May 7th for International Women’s Riding day. There will be a ceremony and parade, lots of great riding to promote women riders! Hope to see some of you there!
I am happy to report that I am riding to Ashland, VA, to visit my daughter just in time for Mother’s Day. I would greatly welcome any of my sisters from WITW Steel Magnolias and Dragon Chapter LOH to join me for any part of the trip!
Effingham, IL. Don’t know if the weather will hold out but hope to be able to get some riding done in the afternoon.
We have a group ride planned for May 7th. So far we have about 10 bikes joining us. I’m leading the ride and so looking forward to having a great day and the commaraderie with other women riders. I’m looking also hoping to see many other riders on the road. We are riding approximately 240 miles that day. The weather looks promising out here. If any others from this area want to join us you can contact me at kathrynwaldal@comcast.net.
Anyone in the Treasure Valley is welcome to join us for a ride on the 7th. Meet at High Dessert Harley-Davidson at 5:30. We will head out for a short evening ride. All motorcycles welcome no matter the make/model. All ladies of any riding ability. Bring your friends.
We’re leaving out of Gateway Harley-Davidson on Friday May 7th at 5:30 pm! Come join us! It’ll be a relatively short ride!
I will be riding on May 7th. I have no one to ride with so if you are in the El Paso, TX, or Las Cruces, New Mexico, area please contact me. swtpech@hotmail.com.
If you’re out riding in the Waldorf, MD area, please stop by Hooters for our Meet & Mingle from 6p-10p. Enjoy your ride and be safe.
There are a couple of us that are planning on riding together on the afternoon of the 7th. If anyone is interested in joining us, we would love to have you! Contact me at dcaggiano@timberland.com.
New to riding and love it! I have no one to ride with. My husband decided he didn't want to be married any longer and out the door he went. So glad I got my endorsement right before he left. As a newbie, I felt security riding with him and I no longer have that and have found myself riding alone a lot. I still enjoy myself but would love to have some sisters or brothers to ride with and share stories with. Please contact me at mizwhitt1963@yahoo.com if you would like to have another biker friend. I would love to hear from all out there. I am in Indiana about 50 miles north of Indy. Lets chat and ride together!
Is there anyone riding in the Mid Michigan area on May 7? Please email me at vintagewood@live.com.
First time I heard of the event (thanks to WRN). My friend Wendi and I plan on riding on the 7th but most of the other ladies have work constraints so we will ride again with them on Sunday the 9th from Danbury CT.
I would like do an event for all the women riders in the SLC area. I think it would be great fun. If interested let me know. I also have created an event on Facebook.
ATTN: Carroll & Frederick County Maryland. Anyone interested in meeting somewhere? Email: marionjayne@comcast.net
Anyone riding in the Bangor/Bucksport/Belfast area? Email: forrestab@roadrunner.com
Women in the Wind, local Sol Sister chapter, would like to invite all women riders to join us for a ride through beautiful rural San Diego on Saturday, May 22 to celebrate Womens' Ride Month. We are starting the ride with free registration at Giovanni's Italian Restaurant, 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, 9 a.m. with kickstands up at 10 a.m. If you want, you can buy breakfast at Giovanni's beginning at 8 a.m. Our ride ends at South Bay Motorsport with a free lunch and raffle. Women's motoclothing will be on display and available for purchase. So come ride with us!
I am in the Washington DC, MD, VA area, are there any ladies who will be riding from this area? Or who may be interested in getting a ride started? I would love to participate and get a ride going. Email: msdc01@yahoo.com
Anything planned for the Binghamton area? Are you interested in planning a ride? Email: mzzif@yahoo.com
I will be riding that day. Will be looking for others.
Many of our 90+ chapters of Women in the Wind have rides planned in May to celebrate International Female Ride day. Non-members are always invited to ride with us and meet our members. For more info check out our Web page:
I justed posted a meetup ride on our local group for the lady riders – just a get together after work, ride to dinner. Thanks for the info on this event.
I would like to know if there is a ride around North Central Ohio? Sounds like a lot of fun, but then any time on a bike is a good time! Emai: laredo1981@yahoo.com
I am new to the VA Beach are and would like to find some ladies to ride with. Email:
Is there a ride in the Frankfort/Lexington Kentucky Area? My wife would love to be connected to some of these activities. Email: mikeagan@windstream.net
Wow, I love it. I have been riding for nine years and have not heard about this before. I am the LOH officer for my local HOG group and will now start gathering as many woman as possible to ride on that day. Our chapter is almost 50/50 for women/men riders, its an awesome group. Please feel free to contact me if you want to ride with us on that day. You don't have to be a member, just a woman rider. I am on my fourth bike. I now ride a 2010 Softail CVO Screamin' Eagle and I love it!
Is anyone able to ride in SLC area? (If it's not snowing.) Email: deltasky@comcast.net
Sounds like fun! Anyone on Cape Cod interested?
I'm excited to involved and not as a passenger!
Does anyone know if, and where I would be able to find a ladies ride going in in the SF/Oakland (CA) area? These type of rides in this area seem far and few between. Email: dibonz54@yahoo.com
I'm a road captain that will be leading a Ladies of Harley Dinner Ride for the Lakes Area H.O.G. Chapter on May 7th. Men are allowed to ride but women will be leading the pack. We leave the local dealership at 5:00 p.m.
Anything happening in Ventura County or the San Fernando Valley let me know! Email: staceysfiles@yahoo.com.
Anyone in the Schaumburg (NW Sub) area riding on Mayy 7th? I'll be riding a Silver Wing trike. Email: callicat99@comcast.net.
Anyone want to get together from Colorado and ride on May 7th. Have a couple of ideas for a great ride. Email me, mcj01@yahoo.com
Is there anything being organized in the Albuquerque area? Let me know! Email:
Anyone in Montana want to gather and do a ride? Email: spudbuddy222@hotmail.com
I am the Ladies of Harley Officer and a Road Captain for one of my local HOG chapters and am leading a ride for the ladies on May 7th. Men are welcome to join us, but they will have to ride in the back of the pack. It's all ladies up front all the way!
How do we find local areas where women gather to ride on this day?
You can post a notice here with your email address so others can respond, visit our Women Riders Now Facebook fan page and post a notice there, or visit your local dealer to see if the folks there can help you organize a group to ride that day. I'm sure they'd be happy to help gather names of interested people.