WomenRidersNow.com launched on Monday a few days before my planned official launch of February 1. Why? I couldn’t wait. Plus, a lot of industry folks are headed to Cincinnati this weekend for the big V-Twin trade show yours truly included, so I wanted to get the word out before everyone left their offices. I’m going to make the rounds promoting this site. I plan to gather info on new and interesting products and “goings-on” in the V-Twin market as they pertain to women and motorcycling. I already know of one custom motorcycle manufacturer who wants to meet me to tell me about the motorcycles he’s building that he’s sure women will like.
I want to thank the hundreds of people who emailed me congratulating me on the launch of WomenRidersNow.com. I read every one of your emails. Some just had comments or suggestions. I asked for your feedback so thank you. Some suggestions were great, and I’ve already incorporated those ideas into the site. It evolves every day. If you asked for a reply, I promise Ill reply. I am one of those of people who gets back to people. I try to in a timely manner, but this week I ask for your patience as there has been so much going on including my upcoming trip.
We’ve already posted some wonderful submissions to Readers Motorcycles and Readers Letters. The Connect With Others page is turning out to be a great networking opportunity. Those who wrote, let me know if you get any responses and meet some new riders.
Those of you who cheered me on, I appreciate it. I promise I will continue to maintain this site on a regular basis with up-to-date news you should know about. We plan to be around a long time. The only way to do that is to keep the site updated so you’ll continue to come back for more. We’ve seen so many motorcycle online magazines come and go, or get neglected with old news still at the top of the home page. That wont happen with WomenRidersNow.com.
Be sure to check out the March issue of Rider magazine with my article on Femmoto, the all-women’s track day. Its on newsstands now.
Until next time…
Peace and passion,