Briana Kessler of Warsaw, Indiana, has ridden in 45 of the 50 United States. Her purple and pink motorcycle, a 2014 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic, has seen parts of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Iowa, South Dakota, and Wyoming.Briana choose the bright pink, purple, and blue paint and graphics on her Ultra Classic and hired the talented Gordon Adair of Greenfield, Indiana, to do the painting.Besides the stunning paint job, the big Harley bagger has been lowered and a low rise seat was installed. The derby cover has the words “Amazing Grace” etched on it in the form of a cross.The tour pack is removable, revealing a customized license plate labeling Briana as a proud “HD GIRL.” Good for you, Briana!
My customizing has been more functional than cosmetic. I’ve added more rear lighting, a shorter windshield, heated clothing, communication upgrade, and iPod player. The Gold Wing comes from the factory with the bells and whistles already installed. I suppose mine would get a fresh coat of paint if it needed it, but it’s 8 years old and still looks great.
After more than 42 years of riding behind my husband, I decided to buy my own and learn how to ride! I bought this 2008 Honda Shadow Aero VT750 as a retirement gift to myself. Took my Basic RiderCourse one weekend in the pouring rain and have been riding ever since! I’ve done a lot to it, as you can see, and am not finished yet! When my husband retires too, we plan to go cross country on our bikes and take a whole summer doing it.
My customizing has been more functional than cosmetic. I’ve added more rear lighting, a shorter windshield, heated clothing, communication upgrade, and iPod player. The Gold Wing comes from the factory with the bells and whistles already installed. I suppose mine would get a fresh coat of paint if it needed it, but it’s 8 years old and still looks great.
After more than 42 years of riding behind my husband, I decided to buy my own and learn how to ride! I bought this 2008 Honda Shadow Aero VT750 as a retirement gift to myself. Took my Basic RiderCourse one weekend in the pouring rain and have been riding ever since! I’ve done a lot to it, as you can see, and am not finished yet! When my husband retires too, we plan to go cross country on our bikes and take a whole summer doing it.