Lady in Blue, A First in Her City!
Way to go Amy Oetter for being the first female to saddle up and ride with the motorcycle police force in Omaha, Nebraska. Amy, a 9-year police veteran, recently completed the motorcycle officers certification course making her the first female to achieve this in the state of Nebraska.

“I think there are areas in law enforcement where women have proven they belong in that area and this is one area where women had not broken through” says Amy. “Im thrilled and honored to have the opportunity to succeed in that area. Officer Oetters final score was 92 percent placing her third out of 10 officers who took the course with her.

Char is achieving this goal in a fun way by making the worlds largest yearbook about women motorcyclists. This yearbook will be published in a hard copy version for sale at a later date and as a free work-in-progress version on the Internet. The yearbook will be dedicated to all women in the world who have served or are now serving in any military branch regardless of whether or not they are motorcyclists. Char needs your help to spread the word to solicit female motorcyclists, women motorcycle clubs and associations, individuals and businesses for donations of any kind. Visit
16-Year-Old Becomes First Woman to Win AMA Road Race
Congratulations to Elena Myers, the first woman to win an AMA Pro Racing professional motorcycle road race when she beat out all other competitors on May 15 at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma, California. She was racing against men.

For the teenager from Discovery Bay, California, it was a long time coming, but all part of a plan put into effect when she was 12 years old. Even then, there was something about the youngsters maturity and confidence that caught the attention of Team Hammer co-founder John Ulrich, who has made a name for himself as a man with a keen eye for spotting racing talent. WRN interviewed Elena for an article on her amazing talent when she was just 13. Check it out here.
Ride of a Lifetime
Safe travels to Melinda Dennis as she embarks on a solo three-month whirlwind tour of 51 national parks in three months. Melinda is doing what many riders only dream about and that is getting on her motorcycle, a Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail, and riding most of the country including Alaska to visit 51 national parks. There are 58 national parks in total. Her ride will take her through 38 states and into Canada. Melinda will be camping along the way and says she will not be using a GPS. “I will be traveling the old fashion way with a standard road atlas.”

Melinda will be updating her Web site,, with photos and a blog entry. She is also raising money for the National Wildlife Federation so if you want to donate visit her Web site. Godspeed Melinda on your monumental journey. All of us here in the WRN community wish you well.
The Ultimate Makeover!
Congratulations to David Barwell and Judy Reed, winner and runner-up respectively in the Garage-Girls / Carlisle Events 2010 Ultimate Biker Makeover. The two were chosen by public voting online after contestants had to share their story on why they are need of a biker makeover.

Both winners will be getting hooked up with a new riding jacket and gloves from Z1R, a Vega helmet, Harley-Davidson boots, a cleaning kit from Wizards Products, a years subscription to IronWorks Magazine, a case of synthetic oil from Spectro Oils, a pair of riding glasses from 7 Eye, a T-shirt from VaVaVroom, and a technology case from Otterbox. David, the grand prize winner, will also be scoring parts for his motorcycle such as accessories from Kuryakyn, a set of AVON Tires, a Mustang motorcycle seat, and lots ofother goodies. Way to go guys!
And the Winner of the National Garage Party Sweepstakes is…
Whoohoo to Deborah L. McEnteggart of Pinellas Park, Florida, for winning Harley-Davidsons National Garage Party Sweepstakes contest. Deborah, along with three friends, will be treated to a spa retreat weekend in Los Angeles, in addition to learning to ride during a Harley-Davidson Riders Edge New Rider Course. The lucky winners will also meet TV wellness expert Jillian Michaels, and get some tips on leading a healthier life. Jillian is a Harley-Davidson rider and life-long motorcycle enthusiast who recently forged a partnership with the Motor Company to encourage more women to participate in the sport. Congrats Deborah!