Jody Perewitz of Perewitz Cycle Fab, and Sara Liberte of RTs North Hills Cycle are teaming up to build a bobber motorcycle live on stage at three of the Northeast Motorcycle Expo shows produced by Kev-Marv Productions.
Growing up as the daughter of icon motorcycle builder Dave Perewitz, Jody has been surrounded by motorcycles her whole life, so its no surprise that she has stepped into the limelight. Creating her own path in the industry, she has begun to mold her passion into some hot rides. In addition to designing and building motorcycles, Jody writes for the Perewitz blog,

Her partner in crime for this years charity build-off, Sara Liberte, has been designing and building motorcycles for the last 10 years. Sara also has an artistic side that has produced the book “How to Repair and Maintain American V-Twin Motorcycles” as well as numerous photographs. She is a artistic photographer who has been capturing images of motorcycles, builders, and events for years.
The two female builders will be working side by side to create a custom bike for charity. Stop by to meet Jody and Sara, see them working and be entertained by their humorous antics as they build the bobber for a cure. One lucky visitor might even end up the owner of this classic hard tail as Bikers for The Cure will be on hand selling $10 tickets. All proceeds will be going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
“This is something we are proud to be a part of. Bikers for The Cure is dedicated to helping out in the fight against breast cancer, and we are looking forward to meeting everyone coming out to the shows,” said Jody and Sara. The motorcycle shows will be in Hartford, CT, on January 5th-6th; Reading, PA, on Jan 25th-27th; and Boston, MA, on Feb. 9th-10th. For more information visit, one or all of the following Web sites: