The Top 50 Rally Park vendor area in Sturgis was home to the second Womens Day held during this years Sturgis Rally on August 7. The event was designed to to celebrate the independence, freedom and adrenaline that inspire women to ride their own motorcycle.
Tyna Bower of Independent Cycle, Inc. (owners of the Top 50 Rally Park) is responsible for organizing the women#39;s day. Way to go, Tyna!
The day started out with a charity ride called “Bike for Breast Cancer Awareness – EWC (Every Woman Counts)” to raise awareness that everyone woman counts in the fight to battle breast cancer.
WRN#39;s Betsy Huelskamp of Backroads with Betsy takes part in the charity ride.The women#39;s ride ventured 90 miles through the scenic Black Hills countryside.Gevin Fax, longtime friend of WRN#39;s founder Genevieve Schmitt and Betsy Huelskamp also took part in the charity ride. She rode out to Sturgis on her purple Road King from southern California.Jessi Combs, a well-known industry metal fabricator and former host of Spike TV#39;s Extreme 4×4, participated in the ride on her Harley.
About 25 men and women participated in the ride lead by Laura Klock, worlds fastest bagger record holder. Following the ride, a fashion show took center stage where models showed off the lastest motorcycle apparel from Icon.
Laura Klock lead the ride on her Road Glide. Her daughter Karlee, age 14 is riding behind her; and behind them in the tank top and full face helmet is Erika, Laura#39;s other daughter who#39;s 17. Laura Klock between daughter Karlee on left and Erika on right. Beauty runs in the family!It was quite the fashion show. Interesting way to show off riding apparel. Icon sure does know how to attract attention. Pink will do it!The men got equal billing in the fashion show, but we bet you can guess who the audience in the next photo was mostly interested in.Gee – funny there#39;s more men in the audience watching the fashion show than women. Wonder why?
The Top 50 Rally Park organizers also presented the second annual Women of the Motorcycle Industry Awards. Click here to see who this years winners are in our Way To Go Girl! section.
Our own Genevieve Schmitt was at the women#39;s day spreading the word about Women Riders Now. WRN#39;s Genevieve Schmitt (in pink helmet) and;s Jody Perewitz go head-to-head on a couple of mini bikes in a fun industry mini-bike race at women#39;s day.
For information on the park, including future details on the 2009 Womens Day event go to