Six inspiring finalists in Harley-Davidsons Get Down to Daytona contest have been chosen and posted online at for online viewer voting to begin. Visitors to the site can view each video and vote on their favorite to help send that woman rider and a guest to Daytona Bike Week 08. Voting will end December 12, 2007, and three winners will be announced December 14.

More than 200 videos were submitted from a variety of women, all with interesting stories to tell. The six finalists videos show an assortment of experiences, such as a daughter and father reunited through riding after years of separation, a sister thanking her brother for inspiring her to ride, and a sisterly bond where the road is their escape from illness and the worry of being single moms. Also, see a daughter who is reminded of her fathers “no fear” message when shes almost ready to give up, and a woman who thanks her boyfriend for helping fulfill a lifelong dream by grabbing the handlebars of her own Harley. Finally, see two friends who encouraged each other to ride and were there for each other each step of the way to becoming experienced riders. The six finalists are: Carol Dicicco from Chalfont, Pa.; Kimberly Ryon from Harford, Pa.; Teresa Weston from Hermitage, Tenn.; Tonya Lamia from Rockford, Ill.; Shelli Strand from Birch Run, Mich.; and Jennifer Thorne from Mt. Pleasant, Pa. The three women with the most votes will receive an expense paid road trip for two from Atlanta to Daytona with Karen Davidson, great-granddaughter of William A. Davidson, one of the Companys founders, as well as three nights stay in Daytona, just in time for Bike Week. Harley-Davidson announced the Get Down to Daytona contest on October 1, and women had until November 15 to submit videos about their greatest motorcycle mentor story. The videos are 90 seconds or less, and give a woman a chance to thank her mentor for helping her start her motorcycle journey, improve her confidence and riding skills or take on new challenges on a motorcycle. Men and women are allowed to vote once per day, so pick your favorite and help her win a road trip to remember! But dont just vote. Check out the other interesting links such as Direct from Daytona including video coverage from this years Bike Week, or mentor tips on how to become a motorcycle mentor.