Visitors to WomenRidersNow.com now have the opportunity to submit a comment to the Motorcycle Reviews section creating an opportunity for readers to become more involved with WRN.
“When it comes to learning about a new motorcycle, theres nothing like rider testimonials,” says Genevieve Schmitt, founder and editor of WomenRidersNow.com “People like to hear from others whove had experience with a particular motorcycle. This new feature allows visitors to the site to post a comment regarding a motorcycle thats been reviewed on WomenRidersNow.com.”
So far, the motorcycle review garnering the most comments in the few days the new feature has been active is the one on QLINKs Legacy posted on 9.15.06. “The Legacy as well as my review Ridleys Auto-Glide Chopper are the two most popular reviews read on WRN,” says Genevieve. “That means women are really interested in learning more about automatic motorcycles.”
To check out the new feature, click on the Motorcycle Reviews link in the left margin and then read any of the reviews. The form for posting comments is found at the end of the review.